Опубликовано: 24 нояб. 2014 г.Track taken from the 2CD album 'Hypnosis'. Released by Cyclic Law 2014. The video was made as part of a stage backdrop for a live performance at Volkspalast in Leipzig, june 2014.
Опубликовано: 6 дек. 2013 г.Official Video to «Altitude» taken from the Album «Mine».
The basic idea was commercial advertisements advancing to a point where corporations implant the desires for their products directly into the consumer's mind, even at the cost of the individual's life.
Katie Burgess
Nick Brown
Stuart Jessup-Bould
Ryan Dolan
Video shot and produced by Meat Cassette, in collaboration with Ed Lister.
Nick Galemore combs through the entire Kindisch catalogue, from the very first record in 2006, up to soon-to-be-released material, compiling a new story with a goal: exit the comfort zone and broaden the horizon.
«I was asked to put together a compilation for the label. Being the product manager, I knew a lot about the more recent releases. But the older stuff I didn't really know too well — that was before my time, so to speak. I took the unfamiliarity and ran with it — I wanted to push my own boundaries a bit, to step into a new kind of genre and see what happened. „
“What I ended up with is a mix that spans over nearly a decade, and crosses a few genre lines. Nearly every track in the mix is an edit I made for the mix. For example, I took vocals from Raz Ohara's 'Whitmey Na' (first released in 2007) and put them on Ben Hoo's opening album track 'Marea', released just a couple months ago — and it's funny how well they worked together. I mean, two very different styles, from 2 different decades fit together like it was produced together… in my opinion anyway. In some places I have 3 or 4 tracks playing at the same time, some old, new and unreleased things too — and they work together so well. I have a totally new sense of respect for music now. „
“I also signed some new things, specifically for this compilation. Just 1 day before I locked myself in my studio (aka my kitchen) I got a mail from DJ T., he sent over a link to some tracks from Jobez & Echter — two dutch guys I had never heard of before. But I was totally blown anyway and signed them immediately!»
«Another new signing was 'Yesterday' from Less Hate. Now I had this — and a couple other tracks — for a while, he sent them right after his Kindisch release 'Soul Doubt'. I was in love with them for quite a while and thought, 'this is totally my chance to use them!' Keep a lookout for the EP coming in a few weeks with a couple more — I highly recommend that one.»
«And let's see… what else? Oh yes, Mr. Jonas Woehl! I originally wanted to make a remix of Pepe Acebal's 'We Will Stay Together' because that vocal line was way too good to pass up — I was talking with Jonas about it and he thought the same. He was interested in it too so I sent him the parts. 2 days later he sent me his remix… which turned out much better than mine! I signed his and have no regrets.»
«Lastly, I have been a fan of Alex Dimou for quite some time now — he played at a party we had organized last year and soon after he sent me some demos — really nice stuff coming from this guy. We signed some of his stuff to Get Physical (look out for the EP 'Sweet Berries' soon!) and so I asked him if he had anything else for me — he sent over 'Ashburg' with the note 'I like to end my sets with this.» I thought I would follow his advice, and I think it was the right thing to do."
«All in all, I am super happy with the way everything turned out — because of course I had my doubts (mostly about myself — if I would be able to pull it off or not… ). In the end it turned out so much better than I had hoped it would. If you took the time to listen to it — and read this wall of text — thank you. Thank you so much. I really hope it brought you some sort of joy, though I know one can't satisfy everyone, so if this is just not your thing, well that's OK too, maybe next time.»
TC Studio @ Vibecast Sessions #112 — Live @ VibeFM Romania
Дата загрузки: 19 дек. 2011 г.TC Studios recorded live their special guest mix @Vibecast Sessions — December 2011 — VibeFM Romania.
For more info and download link of the liveset please visit http://www.vibefm.ro/vibecast
monolog album«17 Living Souls» Music Video Full Version
Опубликовано: 13 мая 2014 г.monolog, new album «17 Living Souls» 2013.10.16 Get It Now!
label:monophonic,catalog no.FAMC-124
Manufactured & Distributed by KADOKAWA CORPORATION (MEDIA FACTORY)