

Cluster Ensemble - Music with Changing Parts

Cluster Ensemble — Music with Changing Parts

Опубликовано: 19 сент. 2015 г.Slovak premiere of Philip Glass's piece Music with Changing Parts.


Ivan Šiller, artistic director, elektrický organ
Fero Király, intermedia director, elektrický organ
Zuzana Biščáková, elektrický organ
Nikolaj Nikitin, tenor a soprán saxofón
Branislav Dugovič, klarinet, basklarinet
Martin Adámek, klarinet
Veronika Vitázková, flauta, pikola
Fabian Franco Ramirez, flauta
Robert Kolář, trúbka
Lenka Novosedlíková, marimba
Jakub Pišek, programovanie, VJ
Petra Fornayová, choreografia, tanec
Daniel Raček, Radoslav Piovarči, Soňa Ferienčíková, Jana Tereková, Barbora Janáková, tanec
Andy Závodský, camera, editing
Matej Lacko, graphic design


Gidon Kremer ⋅ Philip Glass : Violin Concerto

Gidon Kremer ⋅ Philip Glass: Violin Concerto

Опубликовано: 19 сент. 2015 г.Violin Concerto
1. ♪ = 104 — ♪ = 120
2. ♪ = ca. 108
3. ♪ = ca. 150 — Coda: Poco Meno ♪ = 104
Orchestra – Wiener Philharmoniker
Conductor – Christoph Von Dohnányi
Violin – Gidon Kremer

Philip Glass
1 — 3: Concerto for Violin and Orchestra
Konzert für Violine und Orchester
Concerto pour violon et orchestre
Concerto per violino e orchestra
For Paul Zukofsky and Dennis Russell Davis
Commissioned by The American Composers Orchestra, Inc.
Live recording ⋅ Konzertmitschnitt ⋅ Enregistrement public ⋅ Registrazione dal vivo
Recordings, Vienna Musikverein, Grosser Saal 2/1992

Joep Franssens - Harmony of the Spheres

Joep Franssens — Harmony of the Spheres

Опубликовано: 21 нояб. 2012 г.Joep Franssens (1955)

Harmony of the spheres: cycle in five movements for mixed choir and string orchestra (2001)

Movement I — 00:00
Movement II — 10:10
Movement III a — 18:15
Movement III b — 33:45
Movement IV — 42:36
Movement V — 49:20

Netherlands Chamber Choir
Tallinn Chamber Orchestra
Conductor: Tõnu Kaljuste

Dedicated to Tõnu Kaljuste and the Nederlands Kamerkoor

Joep Franssens is a Dutch composer. He studied piano in Groningen, and composition in the Hague and Rotterdam with Louis Andriessen and Klaas de Vries respectively. He is representative of the post-serial generation of Dutch composers who use tonal means and an accessible idiom without neo-Romantic features, even if the pathos-laden, highly emotional nature of his music appears to contradict this endeavour. In his works, which consist of chamber music and choral and orchestral works, Franssens aims at a synthesis of monumentality and euphony and is initially guided by J.S. Bach and the Ligeti of Lontano and Atmosphères. Later a trend towards radical austerity becomes apparent under the influence of American minimalist music, East European mysticism (e.g. Pärt) and the symphonic pop music of the 1970s, culminating in the static diatonicism of the ensemble work Dwaallicht (1989) and the serene counterpoint of Sanctus for orchestra (1996, rev. 1999). The instrumentation increasingly shows a preference for warm, luxuriant colours.

Arvo Pärt — Symphony No. 4 'Los Angeles' (UK Première) Proms 2010

Arvo Pärt — Symphony No. 4 'Los Angeles' (UK Première) Proms 2010

Опубликовано: 23 июн. 2012 г.Proms 2010 © BBC. Uploaded for promotion @Collectables: http://blog.adrianoesteves.com/

I do NOT own the copyright for the music that I upload and will remove it immediately upon request from copyright holder or band.

More Info: http://5-against-4.blogspot.pt/2010/0...

Photo by © Jordan Tiberio: http://bit.ly/PQIDvo

Typeface by Silas Dilworth © TypeTrust: Heroic Condensed

Philip Glass: Symphony No. 2 (1993)

Philip Glass: Symphony No. 2 (1993)

Опубликовано: 27 мар. 2015 г.Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra conducted by/ Orquesta Sinfónica de Bournemouth dirigida por Marin Alsop.

I. (0:00)
II. (16:34)
III. (29:58)

Philip Glass is generally viewed as America’s most popular composer nowadays. His output consist on various works pertaining to minimalism, more than a dozen operas, eleven symphonies, several concertos, oratorios, film scores and minor orchestral works. His Second Symphony is his first purely abstract piece in the field. It deals with polytonality and rhythm patterns.

Philip Glass es considerado el compositor más popular de EUA de hoy en día. Su obra consiste en varias piezas minimalistas, más de una docena de óperas, once sinfonías, varios conciertos, oratorios, música para películas y obras orquestales menores. Su Segunda Sinfonía fue en realidad su primera obra abstracta en la materia, tratando con la politonalidad y los patrones rítmicos.

More info/más información: http://musicalhistories.blogspot.mx/2...

Image/ imagen: Los Angeles at Night / Los Ángeles por la noche. Thomas Kolendra. 2012.

OSM ÉCLATÉ - Un voyage avec Philip Glass

OSM ÉCLATÉ — Un voyage avec Philip Glass

Опубликовано: 30 мар. 2015 г.Concert présenté dans le cadre du festival Montréal / Nouvelles Musiques — Enregistré le 7 mars 2015

Kent Nagano, chef d’orchestre
Philip Glass, pianiste et compositeur
Françoise Atlan, soprano
Monika Jalili, soprano
Didem Basar, kanun
Andrei Malashenko, timbales
Hugues Tremblay, timbales

Présentation du concert:

Glass, Concerto Fantasy pour deux timbaliers et orchestre (approx. 27 min.) 0:0024:15

Kambiz Mozhdehi (arr. Jamshied Sharifi), Jaan e Maryam (Ma bien-aimée Maryam) (approx. 6 min.) 31:5037:50

Kiya Tabassian, Vers où l’oiseau migrera? (extrait) (approx. 6 min.) 26:0030:35

Dukas, La Péri, poème dansé (approx. 20 min.) 39:1659:15

Glass, Mad Rush pour piano solo (approx. 13 min.) 1:00:481:18:04

Philip Glass est parmi les artistes les plus importants de notre temps. Que ce soit à travers son approche minimaliste hypnotisante et sa fascination pour les musiques du monde, ou à travers le regard de Paul Dukas et du Canadien d’origine iranienne Kiya Tabassian, l’OSM et Kent Nagano vous transportent, le temps d’une soirée éclatée, au cœur d'un univers inspiré par l'Orient. Le voyage promet d'être saisissant!

Philip Glass: Symphony No. 4 "Heroes", Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra, Alsop

Philip Glass: Symphony No. 4 «Heroes», Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra, Alsop

Опубликовано: 25 авг. 2015 г.Philip Glass (1937)

Symphony No. 4 “Heroes” (1996):
1. Heroes 0:00
2. Abdulmajid 7:14
3. Sense of Doubt 16:32
4. Sons of the Silent Age 24:24
5. Neuköln 31:55
6. V2 Schneider 38:42

Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra
Marin Alsop, conductor

Recorded in the UK in 2006. Cd release date: 2007.
Educational use only. No copyright infringement intended.