

Philip Glass: Symphony No. 10 (2011)

Philip Glass: Symphony No. 10 (2011)

Опубликовано: 24 дек. 2015 г.Thank you all. This channel family has reached the so joyous amount of 1000 subscribers! Never bad for a Christmas present! As a gift related to number 10, here I give you the premiere of Philip Glass’ 10th Symphony. / Gracias a todos, esta familia de canales ha alcanzado la feliz cantidad de ¡1000 suscriptores! ¡Nada mal para un regalo de navidad! Como recompensa relacionada con el número 10, aquí les ofrezco el estreno de la sinfonía 10 de Philp Glass.

Bruckner Orchestra of Linz conducted by/ Orquesta Bruckner de Linz dirigida por Dennis Russell Davies.

I. (0:00)
II. (6:15)
III. (13:22)
IV. (19:04)
V. (25:20)

Philip Glass composed originally the music for his Symphony No. 10 as an incidental score for the closing ceremony of Expo 2008 at Zaragoza, Spain. However, considering its original instrumentation could lead the piece to oblivion and looking at its full orchestral potential, Glass decided to orchestrate it. It is a symphony that is certainly filled with Arab and Spanish feels as the city was an important urban center in Muslim and in Modern Spain, thus musically recalling those historical moments of the city.

Philip Glass compuso originalmente la música de su décima sinfonía como una partitura incidental para la ceremonia de clausura de la Expo 2008 en Zaragoza. Sin embargo, considerando que su instrumentación original podría llevar la pieza al olvido y que la obra tenía un enorme potencial orquestal, Glass decidió orquestarla. Es una sinfonía que está llena de sentimientos arábigos e hispánicos al haber sido la ciudad un centro urbano importante tanto en la España musulmana como en la moderna, recordando de manera musical aquellos momentos históricos de la ciudad.

Image/ imagen: Plaza from Expo 2008 center at Zaragoza. / Plaza de la Expo 2008 de Zaragoza.

Ravi Shankar w/ Philip Glass - Passages 1990

Ravi Shankar w/ Philip Glass — Passages 1990

Опубликовано: 22 февр. 2015 г.Passages is collaborative chamber music studio album co-composed by Ravi Shankar and Philip Glass, released in 1990 through Atlantic Records. The album's content is a hybrid of Hindustani classical music and Glass' distinct American minimal contemporary classical style. The album reached a peak position of number three on Billboard's Top World Music Albums chart.

00:00 «Offering» (Shankar)– 9:47
09:47 «Sadhanipa» (Glass) – 8:37
18:24 «Channels and Winds» (Glass) – 8:00
26:24 «Ragas in Minor Scale» (Glass) – 7:37
34:01 «Meetings Along the Edge» (Shankar) – 8:11
42:12 «Prashanti» (Shankar) – 13:40

«Offering», the album's opening track, begins with a slow introduction before the saxophone establishes the Shankar raga melody. Two additional saxophones join, followed by an extended middle section at a faster tempo, all before returning to the starting theme. The title of the second track, «Sadhanipa», is derived from the solfège notes (swara) «Sa Dha Ni Pa» from the Indian octave (saptak) based on the first four tones of Glass' melody, «Do La Ti So» (D-B-C-A).

Allmusic's Jim Brenholts awarded the album four of five stars, calling the music «brilliant». Benholts wrote that Shankar's «smooth» style and Glass' dissonant orchestrations mixed well, and recommended Passages to fans of other minimalist composers such as John Cage, Steve Reich and Terry Riley.

Tim Baker – violin
S. P. Balasubrahmanyam – vocals
Seymour Barab – cello
Al Brown – viola
Ashit Desai – conductor
Blaise Dupuy – engineer
Barry Finclair – viola, violin
Mayuki Fukuhara – violin
Jean Gagne – voices
Jon Gibson – soprano saxophone
Philip Glass – performer, producer
Peter Gordon – French horn
Regis Iandiorio – violin
Rory Johnston – executive producer
Karen Karlsrud – violin
Abhiman Kaushal – tabla
Jack Kripl – alto saxophone, flute
Suresh Lalwani – arranger, conductor, mixing, orchestral assistant, producer
Regis Landiorio – violin
Beverly Lauridsen – cello
Batia Lieberman – cello
Ronu Mazumdar – flute
Michael McGrath – assistant engineer
Kurt Munkasci – producer
Keith O'Quinn – trombone
Richard Peck – alto saxophone, tenor saxophone
Melanie Penny – art direction
Martin Perlich – liner notes
Lenny Pickett – alto saxophone, tenor saxophone
Alan Raph – trombone
Michael Riesman – conductor, mixing, piano
Ebet Roberts – photography
Partha Sarathy – sarod, veena
Sergiu Schwartz – violin
Ron Sell – French horn
Ravi Shankar – arranger, orchestration, performer, producer, Vocals
Shubho Shankar – sitar
Richard Sortomme – viola
T. Srinivasan – drum sounds, mridangam
A.R. Swaminathan – engineer
Masako Yanagita – viola, violin
Frederick Zlotkin – cello

Philip Glass - Candyman OST

Philip Glass — Candyman OST

Опубликовано: 27 апр. 2015 г.The selection of music recorded by Philip Glass for the 1992 horror film, Candyman.

Notes and review of the soundtrack here: http://www.thenostalgicattic.com/soun...

For more forgotten film reviews, soundtrack reviews and 80's pop culture, please visit:


Koyaanisqatsi Movie Full Soundtrack - Phillip Glass (1982)

Koyaanisqatsi Movie Full Soundtrack — Phillip Glass (1982)

Опубликовано: 23 окт. 2013 г.Koyaanisqatsi also known as Koyaanisqatsi: Life Out of Balance, is a 1982 film directed by Godfrey Reggio with music composed by Philip Glass and cinematography by Ron Fricke.

http://goo.gl/pZVJfi — Blog

Philip Glass: The HOURS performed live by Anton Batagov, piano

Philip Glass: The HOURS performed live by Anton Batagov, piano

Опубликовано: 5 нояб. 2015 г.Philip Glass
Music from the motion picture
Arranged for piano solo by Michael Riesman, Nico Muhly and Anton Batagov

performed live by Anton Batagov
at the Moscow International House of Music,
October 30, 2015

The Poet Acts
Morning Passages
Something She Has to Do
I'm Going to Make a Cake
An Unwelcome Friend
Dead Things
Why Does Someone Have to Die?
Tearing Herself Away
Choosing Life
The Hours

Camera: Alisa Naremontti and Julia Galochkina
© No Pictures 2015

Uakti and Philip Glass - Aguas da Amazonia (HQ)

Uakti and Philip Glass — Aguas da Amazonia (HQ)

Опубликовано: 10 апр. 2013 г.PLEASE READ
The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is a controversial proposed trade agreement among twelve Pacific Rim countries concerning a variety of matters of economic policy. If the TPP passes it will have serious legal ramifications on humble youtubers, video gamers and media consumers in general. Because of TPP's strict take on copyright issues, I will remove all music I have uploaded for fear of legal prosecution. Go to EFF.org to learn more about how TPP will affect you, and how to fight it. Thanks you.

Aguas da Amazonia — Full

This is the full CD copy of the album Aguas da Amazonia

1. Tiquiê River 00:00
2. Japurá River 1:42
3. Purus River 6:26
4. Negro River 14:09
5. Madeira River 18:31
6. Tapajós River 22:31
7. Paru River 25:21
8. Xingu River 29:46
9. Amazon River 34:49
10. Metamorphosis 42:16

Ripped using EAC with 99% accuracy and then encoded using FlAC at -8. The picture changes every 5 minutes.

Aguas da Amazonia — Full

This is the full CD copy of the album Aguas da Amazonia

1. Tiquiê River 00:00
2. Japurá River 1:42
3. Purus River 6:26
4. Negro River 14:09
5. Madeira River 18:31
6. Tapajós River 22:31
7. Paru River 25:21
8. Xingu River 29:46
9. Amazon River 34:49
10. Metamorphosis 42:16

Ripped using EAC with 99% accuracy and then encoded using FlAC at -8. The picture changes every 5 minutes.

Philip Glass ─ Mishima (full soundtrack)

Philip Glass ─ Mishima (full soundtrack)

Опубликовано: 24 окт. 2015 г.Mishima is the soundtrack of the movie «Mishima: to Life in Oven» Chapters de Paul Schrader, composed by Philip Glass.

The quartet for ropes, interpreted by Kronos Quartet, is nowadays still played, independently of the soundtrack. He is entitled String quartet No. 3 Mishima.

• Composer: Philip Glass
• String quartet interpreted by: Kronos Quartet
• Conductor: Michael Riesman
• Producer: Kurt Munkacsi
• Label: Elektra/Nonesuch 7559-79113-2
• Year: 1985

Tracks :

0:00 — 1. Mishima / Opening
2:47 — 2. November 25: morning
6:58 — 3. 1934: grandmother & Kimitake
10:37 — 4. Temple of the golden pavillon (like some enormous music)
13:38 — 5. Osamu's Theme: Kyoko's house
16:38 — 6. 1937: Saint Sebastian
17:45 — 7. Kyoko's house (stage blood is not enough)
22:48 — 8. November 25: Ichigaya
25:02 — 9. 1957: award montage
29:00 — 10. Runaway horses (poetry written with a splash of blood)
38:09 — 11. 1962: body building
39:39 — 12. November 25: The last day
41:10 — 13. F-104: epilogue from Sun and Steel
43:09 — 14. Mishima / closing

Over the last fifteen years, Philip Glass has defined a new form of biographical opera. There was never any doubt that he would be the ideal composer for Mishima, a mosaic film biography. I wanted a score which would unite the film's disparate elements and propel it forward. Such a score, by definition, would be a distinct, cohesive composition.

I only wondered how to induce Glass. Money was out of the question: the film was already an egregiously under-budgeted labor of love production. I opted for a soft sell. (I've subsequently learned how remarkably resistant Philip is to a hard one.) I simply gave him the script and all the materials by and about Mishima at my disposal.

Philip responded enthusiastically and after several pre-production meetings and a trip to the Tokyo locations, wrote a score from the script as he would from a libretto. With Kurt Munkacsi and Michael Riesman he recorded a temp synthesizer version.

I edited the film to this temp score, altering it as necessary: cutting, expanding and repeating cues. I then played the edited film and score for Philip. He rewrote the music to fit the film's now-precise specifications and recorded it with a full orchestra. Later, he supervised last-minute changes during the final mix.

In keeping with the original concept, Glass has re-edited the score as a distinct musical entity. His Mishima equally serves the film and stands alone.

— Paul Schrader

Original music composed by Philip Glass. Conducted by Michael Riesman. String quartets performed by The Kronos Quartet: David Harrington, violin. John Sherba, violin. Hank Dutt, viola. Joan Jeanrenaud, cello.

Produced by Kurt Munkacsi for Euphorbia Productions, Ltd. NY, NY. Recording engineer: Dan Dryden, Assistant: Don Christensen. Recorded at: Greene St. Studios NY, NY and The Living Room Inc. NY, NY. Remixed by: Dan Dryden, Kurt Munkacsi, Michael Riesman. Remixed at: The Living Room, Inc. NY, NY. Contractor for the musicians: Earl Shendell. Mastered by: Bill Kipper, Masterdisk, NY, NY.

Album art direction: Eiko Ishioka. Photo: Sukita. Album design: Makoto Kumakura.

Published by Dunvagen Music Publishers, Inc. (ASCAP). © 1985 Nonesuch Records.

Philip Glass - Koyaanisqatsi (HQ)

Philip Glass — Koyaanisqatsi (HQ)

Опубликовано: 21 янв. 2013 г.This is the re-recorded version of Koyaanisqatsi OST for the movie with the same title. The re-recording of the album featured two additional tracks from the film, as well as extended versions of previous tracks from the original album, making 8 tracks in total. Stop talking about Interstellar in the comments you losers.

1. Koyaanisqatsi — 0:00
2. Organic — 3:25
3. Cloudscape — 11:12
4. Resource — 15:44
5. Vessels — 22:23
6. Pruit Igoe — 30:27
7. The Grid — 38:18
8. Prophecies — 59:44

Ripped using EAC with 99% accuracy and then encoded using FLAC at -8. The picture changes every ten minutes from art found on the inside and front of the CD case.

Images found at.
I've never watched the movie or listened to this album all the way through. It's my least favourite. :^)

Lisa Moore: Mad Rush by Philip Glass

Lisa Moore: Mad Rush by Philip Glass

Опубликовано: 15 мар. 2016 г.Join us live online (BYOB), if you can't make it to The Greene Space to sample some New York City craft beers provided by Transmitter Brewing, Finback Brewery, The Bronx Brewery and Big Alice Brewing while listening to the music of some of the city’s quintessential composers.

WQXR will spotlight the music of Gershwin, Bernstein and Philip Glass, as well as Dvořák, a composer who spent time in the Big Apple. Classical guitarist Pablo Villegas will be on tap to perform Bernstein’s West Side Story Suite and The Naughton sisters will perform pieces by Gershwin for piano four-hands. We’ll also hear Dvořák’s Goin’ Home played by the duo of Di Wu and Adrian Daurov, and pianist Lisa Moore will perform Philip Glass’ Mad Rush.