

"Numbers Counting to 10 Collection Vol. 1" - Kids Learn to Count, Baby Toddler Songs, Nursery Rhymes

«Numbers Counting to 10 Collection Vol. 1» — Kids Learn to Count, Baby Toddler Songs, Nursery Rhymes

Опубликовано: 20 окт. 2013 г.Teaches Your Child to Count from 1 to 10 and Back Again in 30 Minutes Using Our Catchy Song Melodies, Cute Characters and Colorful Animation.

This Long-Play 30 Minute TV-Show-Style Video Engages Kids with a Variety of Songs, Chants and Lessons which all Teach 1 Common Theme — Counting the Numbers 1 to 10.
Want to try another Long-Play Video that Teaches «The Alphabet»? Click Here: http://bit.ly/Alphabet-Collection

Busy Beavers has been Used in Classrooms All over the World since 2006, and a Top Kids Channel on You Tube since 2007.
How can 200 Million People be wrong? haha Try Out this Collection of Entertaining, Educational Videos with your Students
and watch how they Engage and Respond. Our Videos Really Work.

Below is a list of the 11 Tracks in this 30 Minute Collection.
Click on the Time to Go Directly to Your Favorite.

1. «Counting to 10» (Song) 0:05

2. «Counting Cookies» 1:49

3. «Let's Count to 10» (Lesson) 4:38

4. «Numbers 123» (Song) 8:24

5. «Counting Apples» 10:51

6. «Numbers Chant» 14:38

7. «Sing to 10» 17:01

8. «Counting Oranges» 18:40

9. «10 Little Horses» (Song) 23:03

10. «Numbers 1 to 10» 23:03

11. «Counting Tomatoes» 27:30

Click Here to Buy Busy Beavers Plush Toys from Amazon:

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«The Calendar Song» http://bit.ly/CalendarSong

«Apples Are Yummy» http://bit.ly/ApplesAreYummy

«The Vegetable Song» http://bit.ly/Vegetable-Song

«Five Little Monkeys» http://bit.ly/Five-Little-Monkeys

«Counting to 10» http://bit.ly/Counting-To-10

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Parents of Babies and Toddlers use Busy Beavers Videos to Teach Basic English Vocabulary and Concepts.
Kindergarten, English & ESL Teachers and Children with Autism, Asperger's or Learning Disabilities
such as Delayed Speech have all found Busy Beavers Videos a Great Teaching Resource to Improve Young Learners' Development.

Busy Beavers not only create Fantastic, Fun Children's Edutainment Videos that teach Counting, Colors, The Alphabet, Shapes and More,
But Busy Beavers also has developed an entire English Language Learning System for Children whom English is not their first Language.
Full Videos are Available on a Series of DVDs that we will ship to you anywhere in the world.
Check Out our Online Shop to order yours. http://BusyBeavers.com/Shop
You can also access all of our great Learning Material by becoming a Paying Subscriber to our Website: http://BusyBeavers.com/Subscribe

SUPER CIRCUS 3D Kid's Olympics | Olympic Playground, Color Balls, Ball Pit Show by Busy Beavers

SUPER CIRCUS 3D Kid's Olympics | Olympic Playground, Color Balls, Ball Pit Show by Busy Beavers

Опубликовано: 4 авг. 2016 г.Billy, Betty & their Friends are Back in the Super Circus Arena & have Organized their own Kids' Olympic Games! Watch them Jump, Dive, Ski & Slide into the Giant Colorful Ball Pit with Lots of Surprises. Get into the mood for the Rio 2016 Olympic Games with Busy Beavers.

Super Circus 3D Kid's Olympics 00:00
Sing the Alphabet (3D) 03:12
Super Circus 3D Blue Car Jump 05:00
Shapes Sorting Bucket Learning Game (All Shapes, Short) 05:33
Finger Family Beavers Pop (3D) 06:59
Let's Make a Hamburger 08:00
Apples are Yummy (3D) 09:09
Play Doh Alphabet Surprise (Purple Egg, Letter «B») 11:31
It's Rainy Song (3D) 12:52
Toy Car Color Learning Game (Blue Monster Truck) 14:36
Red Bus Wait for Me (3D) 16:00
Tooth Brush Color Game (Pink) 18:37
Finger Family Sharks Reggae (3D) 19:36
I'm a Little Teapot (3D) 21:35
Play Doh Alphabet Surprise (Red Egg, Letter «C») 24:00
Electric Colors (3D) 25:14
Busy Beavers From Amazon 27:04
123 Surprise Egg Opening (Red Egg, Number «1») 29:08
Red Car Song (3D) 30:11
Super Circus 3D Orange Car Jump 32:00
Brush Your Teeth Song (3D) 32:34
ABC Water Wow Writing the Alphabet (Letter D) 34:57
Neon Green Robot Machine #12 (Rocket Ship) 36:08
Tonka Toughest Minis Vehicles Learning Game (Police Car) 40:00
Nashville Shapes Hoedown (3D) 40: 58
Shapes Sorting Bucket Learning Game (Purple Triangle) 43:36
Super Circus 3D Pink Car Jump 44:13
I'm Happy Song (3D) 44:53
Where is the Fish? Preposition Lesson (On) 47:14
Super Circus 3D Red Car Jump 48:00
The Paint is Pink (3D) 48:40
ABC Surprise Egg Opening (Orange Egg, Letter «E») 51:04
Wheels on the Bus (Green Bus Version) 52:06
Incy Wincy Spider (3D) 53:49
Where is the Fish? Preposition Lesson (Between) 56:00
Island Vegetables Groove (3D) 56:46
Super Circus 3D Green Car Jump 59:44
Princess Colors «Red Green Yellow» 01:00:35
Shapes Sorting Bucket Learning Game (Blue Circle) 01:03:21
The Bus is Red (3D) 01:04:00
Super Circus 3D Purple Car Jump 01:06:03
Counting Sharks 01:06:48

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Busy Beavers have been an Internet Leader in Kids Education & Language Learning Since 2006.
We Teach Children Around the World their ABCs, 123s, Colors, Shapes and Nursery Rhymes.
Over 1.75 Billion Viewers proves that Kids LOVE Busy Beavers.

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«Colors Collection» http://bit.ly/Colors-Collection

«Shapes Collection» http://bit.ly/Shapes-Collection

«ABCs & 123s DVD» http://bit.ly/ABCs-123s-DVD

«Nursery School DVD» http://bit.ly/Nursery-School-DVD

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Do Your Children Love to Sing Along with Nursery Rhymes?
Wheels On The Bus, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Baa Baa Black Sheep, Old MacDonald Had A Farm & Lots More?
Then Your Child will Love Busy Beavers.

Does your Little Baby Love Princess Elsa from the Movie Frozen?
How about the other Famous Princess Characters like Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, Rapunzel, Little Mermaid, Ariel & Lots More?
Then Your Child will Love Busy Beavers.

Does Your Baby Love Big Trucks, Buses and Flying Vehicles?
Toy Trucks, Toy Trains, Diggers, Fire Trucks, Fire Engines, Fire Men, Spaceships, Monster Trucks, Police Cars, Surprise Eggs, Race Cars, Garbage Trucks & Lego?
Then Your Kid will Love Busy Beavers

Parents of Babies and Toddlers use Busy Beavers Videos to Teach Basic English Vocabulary and Concepts.
Kindergarten, English & ESL Teachers and Children with Autism, Asperger's or Learning Disabilities
such as Delayed Speech have all found Busy Beavers Videos a Great Teaching Resource to Improve Young Learners' Development.

Busy Beavers not only create Fantastic, Fun Children's Edutainment Videos that teach Counting, Colors, The Alphabet, Shapes and More,
But Busy Beavers also has developed an entire English Language Learning System for Children whom English is not their first Language.
Full Videos are Available on a Series of DVDs that we will ship to you anywhere in the world.
Check Out our Online Shop to order yours. http://BusyBeavers.com/Shop
You can also access all of our great Learning Material by becoming a Paying Subscriber to our Website: http://BusyBeavers.com/Subscribe

Do You Like Broccoli Ice Cream? | Super Simple Songs

Do You Like Broccoli Ice Cream? | Super Simple Songs

Опубликовано: 9 окт. 2013 г.Do You Like Broccoli Ice Cream? is now available on the Super Simple Songs Volume 2 DVD! Get it on Amazon! http://bit.ly/SuperSimpleSongsVol2DVD...

«Do You Like Broccoli Ice Cream?» is an original (and very silly) food song from Super Simple Learning created for teaching how to express food likes and dislikes, and asking and answering «Do you like _______?» questions.
iTunes: http://bit.ly/DoYouLikeBroccoliIceCre...
Amazon: http://bit.ly/SuperSimpleSongs3_Amazon

Music & Lyrics: Copyright 2007, 2014 Super Simple Learning®
Video: Copyright 2013 Super Simple Learning®

This song is a lot of fun to use with Pre-K students, young ESL and EFL students, and children with special needs.

After you have learned and sung the song together, encourage children to use their imagination to come up with some other strange food combinations. What are 2 foods that are yummy on their own, but yucky when combined?

Thank you very much for watching and sharing ^_^

We upload a new video every Wednesday! To make sure you get our latest, subscribe here: http://bit.ly/SSSYTsubscribe

If you like this video, check out the Super Simple Songs Playlist featuring dozens of easy-to-teach, easy-to-learn, super fun songs: http://youtu.be/yCjJyiqpAuU?list=PL02...

Get FREE resources like coloring sheets, games, flashcards, and worksheets for this song and all of our others in the Super Simple Learning Resource Center:

Like this song? Check out our award-winning collection of CDs, DVDs, books, and more at http://supersimplelearning.com/shop/

Do you like broccoli?
Yes, I do!
Do you like ice cream?
Yes, I do!
Do you like broccoli ice cream?
No, I don't. Yucky!

Do you like donuts?
Yes, I do!
Do you like juice?
Yes, I do!
Do you like donut juice?
No, I don't. Yucky!

Do you like popcorn?
Yes, I do!
Do you like pizza?
Yes, I do!
Do you like popcorn pizza?
No, I don't. Yucky!

Do you like bananas?
Yes, I do!
Do you like soup?
Yes, I do!
Do you like banana soup?
No, I don't. Yucky!

Song: Do You Like Broccoli Ice Cream?
CD: Super Simple Songs 3
Music: Super Simple Learning
Vocals: Matt Stamm and Leah Frederick

We're Super Social, too!
Google+: http://google.com/+supersimplesongs
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Super Simple Songs® and Super Simple Learning® are registered trademarks of Super Simple Learning, Inc.

Do You Like Broccoli Ice Cream? by Super Simple Learning

Coloring Nature | Learn the Colors | Color Crew | BabyFirst TV

Coloring Nature | Learn the Colors | Color Crew | BabyFirst TV

Опубликовано: 13 окт. 2014 г.BabyFirst TV brings you a coloring adventure with the Color Crew, where your kids learn the colors as they are coloring nature. Join all the colors from the gang like Red, Blue, Yellow, and as we use the different colors for kids to color nature. Learn the different colors for kids from coloring in different objects, to different earthly elements with their respective colors in a fun coloring book. Recognize and remember color names in an educational, friendly, and especially colorful way. We hope you enjoy this colors compilation right here on BabyFirst TV.

​​​Subscribe to the BABYFIRSTTV Youtube Channel for more videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/BabyFirs...
Create and Color More Here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...

​​​Subscribe to the BABYFIRSTTV Youtube Channel for more videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/BabyFirs...
For more Color Crew fun, click here: https://youtu.be/Y4lgA6jY4xM
For more Videos about Colors and coloring, click here: http://bit.ly/bftvrainbowhorse

In this episode, your child will learn about the colors of nature as the Color Crew fills in natures beautiful coloring!

Join our cute characters on «Color Crew» as they explore and discover the different names of the basic colors & identify the colors of various places and things they see around them in their fun and unique way

Hope you enjoyed this episode on BabyFirstTV

For more preschool & toddler videos click here: https://www.youtube.com/user/BabyFirstTV

Subscribe to the BABYFIRSTTV Youtube Channel

About Color Crew
The Color Crew wants to go on an adventure with you and your kids in their toddler videos series! Join this hilarious box of crayons as they take on a new coloring page every video. With every color in the color wheel get ready to have fun! Red, Black and Orange love to play games. Purple, Yellow and White love coloring games. And what are the rest like? Well, just come subscribe to BabyFirstTV find out!

About BabyFirst TV
On BabyFirst TV, your baby can learn everything under the sun, from ABC to Animals, colors to shapes, and so much more! Our programing is among the best at helping children learn education basics before entering the school environment. Here we house one of the internet’s largest collections of educational resources, nursery rhymes for children, and cartoons for your baby. Check out some of our favorite programming, including the Color Crew, Harry the Bunny, Rainbow Horse, Vocabularry, Notekins and more! Our content is intended help grow with your child. Enjoy our huge collection of nursery rhymes for your children, that you and baby can sing together. From teaching your baby color recognition, to helping your child learn socialization with toddler games, BabyFirst TV, will be here. Make sure to subscribe to check out the latest from BabyFirst TV!

TuTiTu Toys | Phone

TuTiTu Toys | Phone

Опубликовано: 6 окт. 2011 г.TuTiTu — «The toys come to life» is a 3D animated video series for toddlers. Through colorful shapes TuTiTu will stimulate the children's imagination and creativity. On each episode TuTiTu's shapes will transform into a new and exciting toy.

FREE games — http://tutitu.tv/playground/
Facebook — https://www.facebook.com/TuTiTuTV
Pinterest — http://www.pinterest.com/tutitutv
Twitter — https://twitter.com/TuTiTuTV

In this episode: TuTiTu creates a phone. Educational watching: teach numbers by challenging the toddler to identify the numbers on the phone dial. For an extra challenge, ask the toddler to also call out the color of each number. Learn while having fun!


Production & Animation: Twist Animation Ltd.

Production Designers: Tal Gamliel, Yossi Dahan

TuTiTu'S Theme Song: Lyrics: Sarit Ido Schechter, Music: Sarit Ido Schechter and Tal Gamliel

Musical Arrangement: Uri Kariv

Vocals: Yael Shoshana Cohen

Sound engineering: Gil Landau

Dubbing Studio: Videofilm International

Category: Toys, Home

Learn Colours For Children With Balls Colouring Pages

Learn Colours For Children With Balls Colouring Pages

Опубликовано: 22 июн. 2015 г.Learn Colours For Children With Balls Colouring Pages.

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Baby Doll Bathtime In Skittles Pretend Play

Учим цифры. Учимся считать от 1 до 10 с паровозиком Чух-Чухом. Развивающий мультфильм для детей.

Учим цифры. Учимся считать от 1 до 10 с паровозиком Чух-Чухом. Развивающий мультфильм для детей.

Опубликовано: 12 дек. 2013 г.«Учим цифры. Учимся считать до 10 с паровозиком Чух-Чухом» — развивающий мультфильм для детей от 12 до 36 месяцев. Весёлый паровозик Чух-Чух везёт подарки ребятам в детский сад. Он учит считать предметы от 1 до 10, считая игрушки в своих вагонах под мелодичную музыку.

Вы можете смотреть все серии про паровозика Чух-Чуха в плейлисте https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ag9OS...

Вам также могут понравиться наши другие развивающие мультики:

Мультик «Учимся считать от 1 до 10 с паровозиком Чух-Чухом» на английском: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6F8Jj...

Мультик «Учимся считать от 1 до 10 с паровозиком Чух-Чухом» на французском: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5dH--...

Мультик «Учим цифры от 1 до 10 с паровозиком Чух-Чухом» на французском:

Мультик «Паровозик Чух-Чух и песенка про алфавит» на английском! Учим английский алфавит:

Мультик «Паровозик Чух-Чух и песенка про алфавит» на французском! Учим французский алфавит:

Мультик про грузовик-сортер; учим названия диких животных: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mImOb...

Мультик про трактор и ферму; учим и слушаем голоса домашних животных:

Мультик про грузовик-сортер; учим названия диких животных на французском! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RtoJ3...

Мультик про грузовик-сортер; учим названия диких животных на английском! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uVQZz...

Learn Colors Collection 1 HOUR - Teach Colours for Kids Baby Toddler with Baby Bath & 3D Color Balls

Learn Colors Collection 1 HOUR — Teach Colours for Kids Baby Toddler with Baby Bath & 3D Color Balls

Опубликовано: 31 дек. 2015 г.Learn Colors Collection 1 HOUR — Teach Colours for Kids. Long-Play 60 Minute Video for Children. Including Baby Doll Bath Time in 3D with Color Balls! Plus lots of Animated Surprise Eggs for learning colors. Filled with Monster Trucks, Police Cars, School Buses and plenty more brightly colored Vehicles for Kids. A fun & educational video to teach Colours to Children, Babies, Toddlers & all people who enjoy cute and educative animations.

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Wheels On The Bus Plus More Nursery Rhymes Compilation by Little Animated Surprise Eggs ► http://y2u.be/VmqN5p_c5pE

Wheels On The Bus Part 3 Collection Nursery Rhymes Compilation ► http://y2u.be/_Zx5xKPHtQc

Wheels On The Bus Part 3 Compilation Nursery Rhymes Collection by Animated Surprise Eggs ► http://y2u.be/Ogj259oYrds

Wheels On The Bus Part 2 Compilation Nursery Rhymes Collection by Animated Surprise Eggs ► http://bit.ly/2alfcF2

Colors for Children to Learn with Color Bus Toy — Colours for Kids to Learn ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=72KzG...

Video Content:
0:03 Baby Doll Bathtime 3D Color Balls
3:20 Surprise Egg Machine
6:47 Coloring Book: School Buses
10:26 Opening 10 Surprise Eggs: Helicopters
14:51 Five Little Monkeys [Surprise Eggs Version!]
16:37 Police Cars & Fire Trucks
18:20 Coloring Book: Police Helicopter
20:33 Learning Colors with Street Vehicles
24:45 Counting Helicopters
27:34 Monster Truck School Buses
31:21 Garbage Trucks
34:22 Finger Family Nursery Rhyme
36:08 Excavator / Yellow Digger 3D
38:49 Gumball Machine
41:37 Learn Colors with Surprise Eggs
43:17 Fire Truck Monster Truck
45:49 Surprise Eggs Smallest To Biggest
48:28 Police Car Monster Truck
50:33 Surprise Eggs filled with Buses
53:33 Monster Trucks Crushing Street Vehicles
55:39 Monster Truck Destroyer
57:27 Counting Trucks
Learn Colors Baby Doll Bath Time M&M's Chocolate Candy and Colors Surprise Toys for Toddlers Babies

Finger Family Song Mega Finger Family Collection Surprise Eggs Sports Balls Nursery Rhymes ► http://y2u.be/OheU1IUXLKA

5 Colors Face Balloons Finger Family ► http://y2u.be/4iKg9vrqKxI

Baby Doll Bathtime Learn Colors Finger Family Collection Nursery Rhymes for Kids ►https://youtu.be/VPUOVKne3Ag

Baby Doll Bath Time In Gumballs Pretend Play for Kids to Learn Colors Compilation ►http://y2u.be/Kps9QgYttug

Watch Banana Car Giant Slide 3D Playground ►http://bit.ly/1PbJ3Kn

Colors Surprise Eggs Finger Family Compilation Learn Colours TOP Finger Family Songs Lyrics and More ►

Colors Surprise Eggs Vehicle Banana Car MotorBike Boat And More ►https://youtu.be/qZEtbty7QlY?list=PLk...

Wheels On The Bus Plus Lots More Nursery Rhymes ►54 Minutes Compilation from Little Surprise Eggs

NEW Giant Gumball Machine 3D for Children ►https://youtu.be/7LOdiZyR9Fs?list=PLk...

The Ball Pit Show for learning colors childrens educational video with color balls ►https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=85HY_...

YouTube Friends — Featured Videos ►https://youtu.be/7LOdiZyR9Fs?list=PLt...

3D Indoor Playground Tunnel for Kids to LEARN COLORS Fun Cool Surprise Eggs Balls Color Balls ►https://youtu.be/2xJcp3clnds?list=PLk...

Surprise Nesting Eggs Huge Surprise Nesting Eggs Compilation Learn Colors for Kids ►https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mg6nn...
About Us:
Educational videos and songs for children! We have developed the Animated Surprise Eggs animations. Their purpose is simple: merge fun and education. Enjoy the beautiful World of Animated Surprise Eggs — Available to watch for free & in full 1080 HD.

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Credit: «Vecteezy.com» // Electrodoodle, Chipper Doodle — Electronic Light, Half Bit, EDM Detection Mode by Kevin MacLeod are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/...). — Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-... — Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-... — Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-... — Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-... — Artist: http://incompetech.com/

АВС яйца с сюрпризом. Знакомьтесь с цветми для детей, Учите дошкольников алфавиту

АВС яйца с сюрпризом. Знакомьтесь с цветми для детей, Учите дошкольников алфавиту

Опубликовано: 3 июн. 2016 г.Разноцветные яйца с сюрпризом учат буквам алфавита, звукам, цветам, яблокам и аллигаторам. Этот детский сборник содержит песенки и уроки алфавита, цветные шарики, прыжки машин, игрушечные машинки и обучающие игры про еду.

«Surprise Egg Opening (Blue Egg, Letter „“A»") 00:00
Super Circus 3D Pink Car Jump 00:50
Tonka Toughest Minis Vehicles Learning Game (Helicopter) 01:31
Sing the Alphabet 02:36
ABC Phonics Lesson "«A for Alligator»" 04:29
Fruit & Vegetable Learning Game (Red Apple) 05:19
Super Circus 3D Orange Car Jump 05:52
Finger Family Sharks (3D) 06:38
Surprise Egg Opening (Purple Egg, Letter "«B»") 08:00
Chant the Alphabet (3D) 08:56
Fruit & Vegetable Learning Game (Yellow Banana) 11:19
Neon Green Robot Machine #5 Cement Truck 11:55
Super Circus 3D Green Car Jump 16:00
Surprise Egg Opening (Red Egg, Letter "«C»") 16:39
Busy Beavers from Amazon 17:37
Let's Make a Hamburger 19:42
The Bus is Red (3D) 21:01
Surprise Egg Opening (Green Egg, Letter "«D»") 23:04
Wheels on the Bus (3D) 24:00
Let's Make a Salad 25:43
The Alphabet Song (3D) 27:55
Surprise Egg Opening (Orange Egg, Letter "«E»") 30:57
Tonka Toughest Minis Vehicles Learning Game (Fire Truck) 32:00
Apples Are Yummy (3D) 32:56
Alphabet Phonics Series Level 1 Upper Case "«F»" 35:18
The Orange is Orange 37:42
ABC Phonics Lesson "«A for Apple»" 40:00
Super Circus 3D Yellow Car Jump 40:32
Princess ABCs "«Alphabet Mermaid»" 41:07
Counting Play-Doh Cookies 43:41
Red Car Song (3D) 45:51
Let's Make a Play-Doh Sandwich 48:00
Letters of the Alphabet (3D) 49:19
Green, Red, Yellow Pepper Surprise 52:40
Super Circus 3D Blue Car Jump 55:26
Alphabet Phonics Series Level 2 Upper Case "«S»" 56:00
Count to 10 (3D) 57:59
The Paint is Pink (3D) 59:46
Alphabet Backwards 1:02:11
Super Circus 3D Purple Car Jump 1:04:00
Five Little Monkeys (3D) 1:04:45
Fruit & Vegetable Learning Game (Orange Orange) 1:06:43
I Love to Sing the ABCs (3D) 1:07:48"

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Деятельные Бобры являются лидером в детском образовании и обучении языкам с 2006.
Мы учим детей во всем мире буквам, цифрам, цветам формам и детским стишкам.
Более 1,75 миллиардов зрителей доказывают, что дети ЛЮБЯТ Деятельных Бобров

******** More Smash Hits ********

«Colors Collection» http://bit.ly/Colors-Collection

«Shapes Collection» http://bit.ly/Shapes-Collection

«ABCs & 123s DVD» http://bit.ly/ABCs-123s-DVD

«Nursery School DVD» http://bit.ly/Nursery-School-DVD

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Любят ли ваши дети подпевать детским песенкам ?
Колеса на автобусе, Мерцай, мерцай звездочка, Бээ, бээ черная овечка, У старика МакДональда была ферма и многие другие ?

Любит ли ваш малыш принцессу Эльзу из фильма Замороженый ?
А других знаменитых персонажей принцесс, например, Белоснежка, Спящяя красавица, Рапунзель, Русалочка, Анель и многие другие ?

Любит ли ваш малыш большие грузовики, автобусы и летающие машины ?
Игрушечные грузовики, игрушечные поезда, экскаваторы, пожарные машины, пожарников, космические корабли, огромные грузовики, полицейские машины, яйца с сюрпризом, гоночные машины, мусоросборочные машины и Лего ?

Родители самых маленьких детей и детей, которые только начинают ходить, используют видео Деятельных Бобров для обучения основным английским словам и понятиям.
Воспитатели детских садов, преподаватели английского языка и английского языка как второго языка, и дети аутисты, с синдромом Аспергера и проблемами с учебой, такими как задержка развития речи, все они считают, что видео Деятельных Бобров являются прекрасным учебным пособием для улучшения развития маленьких учеников.

Деятельные Бобры не только создают фантастические, забавные детские развлекательные видео, которые учат счету, цветам, алфавиту, формам и другому
Но Деятельные Бобры разработали целую систему обучения английсмкому языку для детей, у которых английский не является первым языком.

Полностью видео доступны на серии ДВД которые мы доставим вам в любую точку в мире.
Посмотрите наш онлайн магазин, чтобу сделать ваш заказ http://BusyBeavers.com/Shop
Вы также можете получить доступ к нашему великолепному учебному материалу став платным подписчиком нашего вэбсайта http://BusyBeavers.com/Subscribe

СУПЕР ЦИРК 3Д цветные машинки прыгают. Знакомьтесь с цветами, игрушки с сюрпризом Деятельных Бобров

СУПЕР ЦИРК 3Д цветные машинки прыгают. Знакомьтесь с цветами, игрушки с сюрпризом Деятельных Бобров

Опубликовано: 20 мая 2016 г.Дети учат цвета вместе с Бобром Билли и друзьями управляя забавными машинками, которые прыгают яму с огромными шарами в «Супер Цирк 3Д» с Деятельными Бобрами. Этот детский сборник учит 10 цветам и другому при помощи запоминающихся песенок и обучающих игр на видео в 3Д, содержащих машинки, игрушки и яйца с сюрпризом

«Super Circus 3D Color Cars Jump 00:00
Tonka Toughest Minis Vehicles Learning Game (Firetruck) 05:00
The Bus is Red (3D) 05:54
Finger Family Pandas (3D) 08:00
Neon Green Robot Machine #1 09:03
The Orange is Orange 11:52
Let's Make a Play-Doh 14:08
Super Circus 3D Blue Car Jump 15:26
Surprise Egg Opening (Blue Egg, Letter „“b»") 16:00
Busy Beavers from Amazon 16:43
Red Car Song (3D) 18:49
Apples are Yummy (3D) 20:54
Surprise Egg Opening (Purple Egg, Letter "«c»") 23:16
Super Circus 3D Pink Car Jump 24:00
Counting Play-Doh Cookies 24:38
Brush Your Teeth 26:48
Wheels on the Bus (3D) 29:09
Let's Make a Hot Dog 30:52
Finger Family Sharks Pop (3D) 32:00
Super Circus 3D Yellow Car Jump 34:22
Counting Monster Trucks 34:58
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star 39:00
Super Circus 3D Red Car Jump 40:00
Nashville Shapes Hoedown (3D) 40:40
Wheels on the Bus #2 43:28
Neon Green Robot Machine #2 45:11
Super Circus 3D Orange Car Jump 48:00
Humpty Dumpty (3D) 48:34
Pink Bus Wait for Me (3D) 51:27
Red Heart Song (3D) 54:16
Surprise Egg Opening (Orange Egg) 56:00
The Paint is Pink (3D) 57:16
Colors Chant FRENCH 59:30
Super Circus 3D Purple Car Jump 1:01:57
Dolphin Finger Family with Surprise Eggs 1:02:43
Surprise Egg Opening (Green Egg, Letter "«a»") 1:04:00
Island Fruits Groove (3D) 1:04:43
Green, Red, Yellow Pepper Surprise 1:07:44"

Кликните здесь чтобы купить плюшевые игрушки Деятельных Бобров от Амазон

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Подпишитесь и получайте свежие добавления 3 раза в неделю!


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Деятельные Бобры являются лидером в детском образовании и обучении языкам с 2006.
Мы учим детей во всем мире буквам, цифрам, цветам формам и детским стишкам.
Более 1,75 миллиардов зрителей доказывают, что дети ЛЮБЯТ Деятельных Бобров

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Любят ли ваши дети подпевать детским песенкам ?
Колеса на автобусе, Мерцай, мерцай звездочка, Бээ, бээ черная овечка, У старика МакДональда была ферма и многие другие ?

Любит ли ваш малыш принцессу Эльзу из фильма Замороженый ?
А других знаменитых персонажей принцесс, например, Белоснежка, Спящяя красавица, Рапунзель, Русалочка, Анель и многие другие ?

Любит ли ваш малыш большие грузовики, автобусы и летающие машины ?
Игрушечные грузовики, игрушечные поезда, экскаваторы, пожарные машины, пожарников, космические корабли, огромные грузовики, полицейские машины, яйца с сюрпризом, гоночные машины, мусоросборочные машины и Лего ?

Родители самых маленьких детей и детей, которые только начинают ходить, используют видео Деятельных Бобров для обучения основным английским словам и понятиям.
Воспитатели детских садов, преподаватели английского языка и английского языка как второго языка, и дети аутисты, с синдромом Аспергера и проблемами с учебой, такими как задержка развития речи, все они считают, что видео Деятельных Бобров являются прекрасным учебным пособием для улучшения развития маленьких учеников.

Деятельные Бобры не только создают фантастические, забавные детские развлекательные видео, которые учат счету, цветам, алфавиту, формам и другому
Но Деятельные Бобры разработали целую систему обучения английсмкому языку для детей, у которых английский не является первым языком.

Полностью видео доступны на серии ДВД которые мы доставим вам в любую точку в мире.
Посмотрите наш онлайн магазин, чтобу сделать ваш заказ http://BusyBeavers.com/Shop
Вы также можете получить доступ к нашему великолепному учебному материалу став платным подписчиком нашего вэбсайта http://BusyBeavers.com/Subscribe