

Radio Moscow - Brain Cycles (Full Album)

Radio Moscow — Brain Cycles (Full Album)

Опубликовано: 25 июн. 2013 г.Radio Moscow is an American psychedelic band from Iowa. This album came out 2009.

00:00 — I just don't know
5:01 — Broke down
9:17 — The escape
13:17 — No good woman
21:31 — Brain Cycles
24:55 — 250 miles
29:47 — Hold on me
33:07 — Black boot
35:11 — City lights
39:09 — No jane


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Wo Fat - The Conjuring (2014) (Full Album)

Wo Fat — The Conjuring (2014) (Full Album)

Опубликовано: 20 июн. 2014 г.Continuing to usher forth their Wendigo spirit, Dallas' Wo Fat have returned with their fifth full-length album, The Conjuring, another stoner psych-doom excursion into places unknown, deadly, and dense with an oft-misunderstood species known as the killer blues.

Recorded at guitarist-lead vocalist Kent Stump's Crystal Clear Sound, the album follows the Wo Fat template of towering doom riffs stirred with the devil-may-care nonchalance of southern blues and classic hard rock fuzz. Similar to their past two efforts, 2011's Noche del Chupcacabra and 2012's The Black Code, The Conjuring wields a five-song set of grooving mythically charged stoner rock. While not metal in the strictest sense, Wo Fat's infatuation for seductive down-tuned riffs, in addition to the sheer sonic weight delivered, makes them a favorite amongst stoner-doom thrill-seekers, and for good reason. The Conjuring hears the boys sizzling from afar with their unmistakable fuzz-realm flair.

Wo Fat, as they do like few others, jam about in a style that's as much jazz and blues-trio influenced as it is about swirling up stoned-out southern metal dust. With Tim Wilson building and leveling grooves off with his rumbling bass lines, Michael Walter swinging hard and smooth and setting the standard for his boys to follow, and Stump just burning away with his ever-enhancing, always-entrancing solo work — Stump flat-out struts on the closer «Dreamwalker» — Wo Fat have turned The Conjuring into a record that has little to do at all with being recorded. The music is alive with flame and smoke and things that only come out at night.

With the hot summer months on the near horizon, Wo Fat's latest couldn't have landed at a better time. The Conjuring is the trio at their most confident and awe-inducing, doling out heaviness like heavy ain't no thing. So be careful jamming this album beside a bonfire. There's no telling what may come crawling out of the cinders.

Brand spankin new record from Wo Fat. Enjoy The Conjuring! If you like what you hear, help support the band by purchasing the album here.


1. The Conjuring — 0:00
2. Read the Omens — 9:51
3. Pale Rider from the Ice — 16:45
4. Beggar's Bargain — 23:58
5. Dreamwalker — 30:26

If you have not heard, I have a backup channel called Stoned Meadow Of Doom 2. Check it out and subscribe. All new full albums will now be posted there. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkqj...


Check out my new online radio station of the same name! A great station for the best in Psychedelic/Stoner/Sludge/Doom




Also check out my new website for Stoned Meadow Of Doom (Please consider donating if you appreciate the channel and radio station) ~ http://stonedmeadowofdoomradio.weebly...

Naxatras - Naxatras (2015) (Full Album)

Naxatras — Naxatras (2015) (Full Album)

Опубликовано: 26 апр. 2015 г.Naxatras is a hard psychedelic rock band from Greece. They have been playing together for three years developing their sound. This year sees the release of their first LP. Naxatras recorded the album live 100% analog at Magnetic Fidelity Studios with a guy named Jesus. Only analog equipment was used during the recording, mixing and mastering stages. Naxatras recorded the album at a small village in northern Greece in just 3 days.

Naxatras play a beautiful Psychedelia with lush melodies. They experiment with many Progressive song structures. This album is a bright indicator of the potential these guys have going forward.

Big thanks to Naxatras for their donation and allowing me to share their brand new debut album!

1. I am the Beyonder — 0:00
2. Sun is Burning — 10:35
3. Space Tunnel — 15:54
4. Shiva's Dance — 21:58
5. Downer — 29:33
6. Waves — 35:51
7. The West — 43:07
8. Ent — 50:16

If you have not heard, I have a backup channel called Stoned Meadow Of Doom 2. Check it out and subscribe. All new full albums will now be posted there. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkqj...

You can support the band and purchase the album at the bandcamp link below!



Joe Leader - Caruso (LIVE SAX, London 2013)

Joe Leader — Caruso (LIVE SAX, London 2013)

Опубликовано: 27 авг. 2013 г.This FULL LENGTH VIDEO of 'Caruso' is from Joe's 'LIVE SAX' Show at The Leicester Square Theatre, 13th June 2013.

'Caruso' is from Joe Leader's debut album, 'Seductive Sax.' Available NOW on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/gb/artist/jo...

Band members: David Lawrence (featured vocalist), Lucy Norbury (backing vocalist), Liz Mason (backing vocalist), Carl Hudson (keyboard), Nat Martin (guitar), Andy Tolman (bass), Westley Joseph (drums).

Listen to the UK's Jazz Sax Sensation at:


Since winning The Daily Telegraph Young Jazz awards with his band, Joe's incredible career has taken him all over the world, from the Southbank to South Africa. His impressive list of artists performed with include Joss Stone, Beverley Knight, Sandie Shaw, Andrew Lloyd Webber and Pharrell Williams.

Joe is backed by a world class band, including Carl Hudson, Nat Martin, Westley Joseph and Andy Tolman, who themselves have performed with such great artists as Michael Buble, Ladysmith Black Mamabazo, Jocelyne Brown and Professor Green.

«Thanks Joe, you were great! We must do that again sometime!»

«Joe Leader comes on to the instrumental music scene with a fresh approach and point of view on this new project. A great saxophonist for sure, but also a wonderful story-teller with his song writing and ability to deliver a melody.»
~ DAVE KOZ: International Saxophone legend

«This young artist is so much more than just a brilliant, classically trained musician. Joe brings power and passion to each note and a level of musical engagement that belies his youth. This sophisticated music is wrought with such emotion that it will leave you powerless to resist its magic.»
Management: Jacqui Taylor
+44 (0) 7778 030 530
TV & Radio PR:

PR Agent
Simon May (PR & Everything Inbetween)
+44 (0) 7908 170 517

TV and Radio PR: Nick Fiveash
+44 (0) 8971 240 987

Джи-Хей Парк: Скрипка и тёмная ночь моей души

Джи-Хей Парк: Скрипка и тёмная ночь моей души

Опубликовано: 24 мая 2013 г.В попытке стать всемирно известной скрипачкой Джи-Хей Парк погрузилась в глубокую депрессию. Только музыка смогла снова поставить ее на ноги и показала, что нужно не стремиться играть в шикарных концертных залах, а стараться продемонстрировать чудо своего инструмента как можно большему количеству людей.



Опубликовано: 1 нояб. 2013 г.Fausto Romitelli: Amok Koma
for ensemble and electronics

Strasbourg, Musica Festival, october 4th 2013
Ensemble Linea
Jean-Philippe Wurtz, conductor

Guillaume Faraut, violin
Vincent Royer, viola
Johannes Burghoff, cello
Anna d'Errico, keyboard
Daniel Lorenzo, piano
Laszlo Hudascek, percussion
Ayako Okubo, flute
Andrea Nagy, clarinet
Justin Frieh, bass clarinet
Sébastien Naves, electronics
Julien Rigaud, sound diffusion


Γκόλφω, του Σπυρίδωνος Περεσιάδη

Γκόλφω, του Σπυρίδωνος Περεσιάδη

Опубликовано: 10 окт. 2013 г.Από τις 18 Οκτωβρίου, στη Κεντρική Σκηνή

Η Γκόλφω μετά την ενθουσιώδη υποδοχή του κοινού τον περασμένο χειμώνα στη Σκηνή Κοτοπούλη, θα παρουσιάζεται από τις 18 Οκτωβρίου στη Κεντρική Σκηνή του Εθνικού Θεάτρου.

Στο ορεινό χωριό που κυλούν τα νερά της Στύγας, εκεί όπου σύμφωνα με τους αρχαίους μύθους ήταν η πύλη για τον Κάτω Κόσμο και όπου θνητοί και αθάνατοι έπαιρναν τον ιερότερο όρκο, η Γκόλφω και ο Τάσος, δύο νεαρά παιδιά, ορκίζονται αιώνια αγάπη. Η Γκόλφω, πιστή στον όρκο της, αρνείται τον άρχοντα που θέλει να την παντρευτεί, αλλά ο Τάσος, αψηφώντας τον δικό του, δέχεται να πάρει γυναίκα του την πλούσια νέα που του προξενεύουν. Όταν αλλάξει γνώμη, θα είναι πολύ αργά...

Το δραματικό ειδύλλιο του Σπυρίδωνος Περεσιάδου αφηγείται μια τραγική ερωτική ιστορία με φόντο την εξιδανικευμένη εικόνα της ελληνικής υπαίθρου του 1893. Ο Νίκος Καραθάνος μετά το Συρανό ντε Μπερζεράκ επιστρέφει σκηνοθετικά στο Εθνικό Θέατρο και δίνει την προσωπική του φρέσκια ματιά πάνω σε ένα έργο που έχει γράψει τη δική του ιστορία στο ελληνικό θέατρο!

Η ταυτότητα της παράστασης
Σκηνοθεσία: Νίκος Καραθάνος
Σκηνικά — Κοστούμια: Έλλη Παπαγεωργακοπούλου
Μουσική: Άγγελος Τριανταφύλλου
Κίνηση: Αμάλια Μπένετ
Φωτισμοί: Λευτέρης Παυλόπουλος
Βοηθός σκηνοθέτη: Διώνη Κουρτάκη
Επεξεργασία κειμένου: Γιούλα Μπούνταλη

Γκόλφω: Εύη Σαουλίδου / Λυδία Φωτοπούλου / Αλίκη Αλεξανδράκη
Τάσος: Χάρης Φραγκούλης / Νίκος Καραθάνος / Γιάννης Βογιατζής
Σταυρούλα (κόρη του Ζήση): Μαρία Διακοπαναγιώτη
Δήμος (εξάδελφος της Γκόλφως): Γιάννης Κότσιφας
Αστέρω (τσοπάνισσα, μάνα της Γκόλφως): Χριστίνα Μαξούρη
Θανάσουλας (τσοπάνος): Γιώργος Μπινιάρης
Ζήσης (τσέλιγκας): Άγγελος Παπαδημητρίου
Γιάννος (φίλος του Κίτσου): Μιχάλης Σαράντης
Κίτσος (ανιψιός του Ζήση): Άγγελος Τριανταφύλλου
Άγγλοι περιηγητές: Αλίκη Αλεξανδράκη, Χριστίνα Μαξούρη, Άγγελος Παπαδημητρίου, Λυδία Φωτοπούλου