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Oyaarss "Pārejošs kaut kas (with Neļaudis)"

Oyaarss «Pārejošs kaut kas (with Neļaudis)»

Опубликовано: 11 дек. 2013 г.Oyaarss performing his track «Pārejošs kaut kas (Perishable Something)» together with Neļaudis.

«Pārejošs kaut kas» is taken from Oyaarss's album «Bads» (Ad Noiseam adn159).
Poem «Visam ir kāda nozīme» (2002), written and read by Edvīns Raups.

Oyaarss «Bads»
Ad Noiseam adn159
CD / digital

Öxxö Xööx - "Nämïdäë" [Full Album - Official - HD]

Öxxö Xööx — «Nämïdäë» [Full Album — Official — HD]

Опубликовано: 27 мая 2015 г.The brilliant, complex, perplexing sophomore album «Nämïdäë» from experimental, outsider doom project — Öxxö Xööx.

Debuts in mid 2015 through Blood Music (Finland/USA) via deluxe vinyl, CD, and digitally through Bandcamp, iTunes, Amazon, Google Play, Spotify, and every other service imaginable.


Artists :
Öxxö Xööx: Music, lead vocals.
Rïcïnn: Vocals — http://www.facebook.com/LAPAGERICINN
Isarnos: Drums.
Igorrr: Studio engineering (at Improve Tone Studios) — http://www.facebook.com/IgorrrBarrroque
Improve Tone Studios: http://www.improvetonestudios.com/

00:00 — Därkäë
11:44 — LMDLM
18:41 — Ländäë
26:44 — Dä Ï Lün
37:13 — Lör
42:53 — Lücï
50:56 — Äbÿm
57:18 — Dälëïth
1:05:04 — Ü