Hecq - IV

Hecq — IV

Опубликовано: 12 февр. 2015 г.Track 4/4, from Mare Nostrum (Hymen Records ¥832).

I think we knew the answer, but we have to make it clear: it's obvious the computer didn't turn into something more human, and it's obvious Hecq didn't turn into an abstract pile of informations. It's more than that.

What seemed to happen in the glass and steel enclosure in Barcelona is a perfect symbiosis between an organic and a digital creature. Two unique and powerful minds that somehow merged and created a new being worth more than the sum of its parts.

This statement is confirmed by the apparition of a developed melody since the beginning of the track, still having this otherworldly feeling coming from the borders of time and space. MareNostrum is working hard to follow Hecq's creation and the artist tries to convert the supercomputer's algorithms into tangible pieces; but to truly create something exceptional, they must both overtake their own limits. This is exactly what happens at half the track: the common decision to pool their knowledge and emotions to produce even more and overshoot their already incredible very own potentials.

After finding a way to communicate, MareNostrum and Hecq created melodic parts already worth the listening, but at this point, what missed was a rhythmic part. And that's what they both achieved in the last ten minutes of the album.

There is a set tempo, but the notes are hit erratically, sometimes off-key, harder or softer. Or are they? Aren't they just at the next level of comprehension for us, humans that can't grasp all the beauty of this piece? We can still get the emotional impact that this ending has on the global concept, evolving from abstract circuitry sounds and glitches to a melodic and rhythmic part that almost frees itself from its origins. But there is some next-level stuff happening here.

They say an average human uses around 10 % of its brain capacity, even if a lot of the neural connexions are existing. IV proves that some can go further and still keep themselves intelligible to the others. And that's what Hecq seems to offer here, an album ahead of its time with nothing to left nearby.

Exceptionnal, and probably already in my 2015 top releases.

Enjoy folks, and if you feel like it, I'd like you to share your sensations too, here in the comments section or on my Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/adda.ambient

If you liked this track/album, here are some useful links to support the artist and the label :

# Hymen Records Bandcamp to buy it digitally: http://hymen-records.bandcamp.com/alb...

# Or Ant-Zen mailorder to buy it physically (CD): http://mailorder.ant-zen.com/product/...

# Ben Lukas Boysen Bandcamp: http://benlukasboysen.bandcamp.com

# Ben Lukas Boysen / Hecq Soundcloud: http://soundcloud.com/benlukasboysen

# Hecq Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/HecqOfficial

# Ben Lukas Boysen Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/benlukasboysen

# Ben Lukas Boysen / Hecq website: http://benlukasboysen.com

And if you're looking for more stuff of this label :

# Hymen Records Bandcamp: http://hymen-records.bandcamp.com

# Hymen Records LastFM: http://www.lastfm.fr/label/Hymen+Records

# Hymen Records Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/hymenrecords

# Hymen Records website: http://hymen-records.com

And finally, the wallpaper: http://i.ytimg.com/vi/acdL-8wZhLc/max...

This video is uploaded only in a promotional purpose, as I do not own any rights on this music. All rights reserved to Ben Lukas Boysen aka Hecq and Hymen Records.

If you (artist, label or viewer) have any inquiry, just email me at a2damusic@gmail.com

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Лезгинка 2014. Четкая Лезгинка с Красавицами .HD

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Лучшие блатные хиты 90-х. Конкретные песни о жизни. Авторитетный сборник 2016.

Опубликовано: 1 июл. 2016 г.Лучшие блатные хиты 90-х. Конкретные песни о жизни. Авторитетный сборник 2016.

01. МИХАИЛ КРУГ «Владимирский централ» 00:00
02. МИХАИЛ ШУФУТИНСКИЙ «Таганка» 04:25
03. ПЕТЛЮРА «Скорый поезд» 08:04
04. БУТЫРКА «Запах воска» 11:21
05. АЛЕКСАНДР РОЗЕНБАУМ «Гоп-стоп» 15:13
06. СЕРГЕЙ НАГОВИЦЫН «Городские встречи» 19:51
07. ВОРОВАЙКИ «Хоп, мусорок» 23:51
08. АНАТОЛИЙ ПОЛОТНО «Лёнька Пантелеев» 27:05
09. СЕРГЕЙ ТРОФИМОВ «Мурка» 30:32
10. Владислав Медяник «Дзынзара» 34:25
11. КАТЯ ОГОНЁК «Дорога домой» 37:34
12. АЛЕКСАНДР ДЮМИН «Фотографии друзей» 42:22
13. ГЕННАДИЙ ЖАРОВ «Ушаночка» 46:43
14. ЛЕСОПОВАЛ «Столыпинский вагон» 50:55
15. ДЕМИДЫЧ «За вагоном вагон» 54:13
16. ИВАН КУЧИН «Человек в телогрейке» 57:58
17. АНДРЕЙ КЛИМНЮК «Апрель» 01:03:16
18. БЕЛОМОРКАНАЛ «Лагеря» 01:06:37
19. ТАНЯ ТИШИНСКАЯ «Номерок» 01:10:59
20. ВИКТОР ПЕТЛЮРА «Голубоглазая» 01:14:46
21. АЛЕКСЕЙ СТЁПИН «Дорога да гитара» 01:18:10
22. АЛЕКСАНДР ЗВИНЦОВ «Долгая зима» 01:21:46
23. ЮРИЙ АЛМАЗОВ «Воркутинский снег» 01:27:46
24. ВЛАДИМИР ЧЕРНЯКОВ «За друзей» 01:32:03

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Автор слов и музыки: Ирина Дубцова
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01. Зеркала (0:00:00)
02. Лондон (0:03:43)
03. Она не твоя (0:08:08)
04. Брат-никотин (0:11:49)
05. Гоп-стоп (0:15:50)
06. Обернитесь (0:19:38)
07. Плен (0:23:28)
08. Я тебе не верю (0:27:46)
09. Вечерняя застольная (0:31:50)
10. Не жди меня (0:35:50)
11. Измены (0:39:52)
12. Птица — молодость моя (0:43:36)
13. Ангел завтрашнего дня (0:48:06)

Официальная страница канала MELOMAN ВКОНТАКТЕ https://vk.com/melomanumg

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