Опубликовано: 13 февр. 2014 г.Track 9/12, from Night Falls (Hymen Records ¥767).
Magnetism sounds for me like the last transition before the denouement of Night Falls.
It starts with the static we heard in the end of Giants, representing the passage between the world of the Ancient, out of limits, and your own spiritual way, where you belong. And then, progressively, extended layers of orchestrations succeed each other, such unseizable monoliths of sound answering to each other in long moans.
These parts are supported by dense drones in the background, picturing overall a path of trial, as much physical as mental.
It's hard to breathe, bright lights and deep darkness are alternating, a stellar wind flogs your face. But above all, your memories pass before your eyes all at once, overloading your mind, while the questions asked by the Giants keep repeating themselves: «Are you worth of it? ».
The insurmountable walls of sound seem to slowly fade out in the end of the track, clearing a way to a warmer area; it looks like you are almost getting to the end of your trip.
Enjoy folks, and if you feel like it, I'd like you to share your sensations too, here in the comments section or on my Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/adda.ambient
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This video is uploaded only in a promotional purpose, as I do not own any rights on this music. All rights reserved to Ben Lukas Boysen aka Hecq and Hymen Records.
If you (artist, label or viewer) have any inquiry, just email me at a2damusic@gmail.com
Опубликовано: 14 июн. 2012 г.HECQ / BEN LUKAS BOYSEN
Since 2003, Ben Lukas Boysen is writing, producing and performing music, specializing in sounddesign and composition. The focus of every project is to find an efficient and direct way to leave a strong emotional impact, whether it is the production of an album or the conception and completion of a commercial project.
Опубликовано: 27 нояб. 2012 г.The official music video for Nosaj Thing's «Eclipse/Blue,» by Daito Manabe, takcom, Satoru Higa, and MIKIKO with support from The Creators Project.