Опубликовано: 31 янв. 2014 г.Slow Focus is the third album by Fuck Buttons, released on 22 July 2013. It was the first album released by ATP Recordings to reach the top 40 of the UK Albums Chart.[Wikipedia]
1. «Brainfreeze» 0:00
2. «Year of the Dog» 8:33
3. «The Red Wing» 13:12
4. «Sentients» 21:00
5. «Prince's Prize» 27:25
6. «Stalker» 31:47
7. «Hidden XS» 41:56
The rapid emergence of micro-genres has a long history in music, but the Internet has intensified the process. Online communication creates a situation where young artists, separated by geography but brought together through the web, can share the same obsessions and quickly develop remarkably similar aesthetics. The umbrella of music sometimes called witch house is perhaps the most obvious example of this in the last few years, since it combined musical concerns (moody synths, slow tempos, warped vocals, allusions to Southern rap) with a specific visual aesthetic (anonymous producers shielded by hoodies, Christian imagery, deep knowledge of the computer keyboard's symbol keys), and so many artists with these exact qualities appeared simultaneously. Unusually, the bulk of the movement could be traced to precisely one source, Salem, demonstrating how much sway that sometimes reviled outfit had over the minds of budding young producers who spend way too much time online.
Once a scene or sound crystalizes, you can bet that the most interesting artists to emerge from it will quickly set off on their own and develop an individual voice. Balam Acab, the project of 20-year-old Pennsylvanian Alec Koone, was rightly slotted with witch house when he released his See Birds EP in 2010. He has the warped voices and the slow tempos, he was on the right label, and his IRL identity had a cultivated air of mystery. But the careful construction of See Birds hinted that his musical ear was a cut above, and now his excellent full-length debut, Wander / Wonder, confirms it. This is a personal and distinctive record with its share of current reference points that nonetheless doesn't need a scene to prop it up.
A few things set Balam Acab apart from the pack, first being the overall mood. The post-Salem «dark and creepy» crawl became a cliché in record time, but Wander / Wonder, despite the spectral voices that take the lead on every track, has no hints of nightmares or grim violence. Instead, its primary concern is simple aesthetic beauty, the way a small and specific combination of sounds, carefully arranged but given room to breathe, can have a deep emotional impact. It's pretty, in other words, but its prettiness never feels manipulative or overbearing. It's the sort of music that exists at the intersection between art and design, but it manages to avoid feeling sterile.
There are eight tracks here in 37 minutes, the perfect length given the consistent mood. They have vague titles like «Apart» and «Now Time» and «Oh, Why» that serve as a light tint but don't really point to anything in particular. In fact, differentiating between the tracks seems sort of beside the point, since so many of the same motifs pop up over and over again: The album feels very much like one sustained thing. The basic elements are twinkly keyboards and and music-box chimes, dusty crackles floating on sounds of shifting liquid, and deep basslines bumping into the occasional drum machine clap. Floating above it all are the voices, pitched up to accentuate their delicacy and set loose in a cloud of echo. While the current vogue is for sampled vocals that allude to R&B, Balam Acab's mostly have a classical feel, sounding like they are pulled from recordings of ancient hymns and airs. Accentuating the «chamber dub» qualities are liberal samples of orchestral sections and nylon string guitar. But the most important instrument of all is silence, which frames every note and brings it to the foreground.
Where the ghostly dubstep of Burial, an obvious antecedent, has a crucial connection to the urban street, Wander / Wonder is pastoral, more likely to bring to mind sunlight slanting through a window that overlooks a rural garden. And you can't have a garden without water. As anyone who has ever knocked over a cup next to a computer knows, water is the digital sphere's mortal enemy, the thing that can bring our precious electrical circuits down in an instant. In line with recent productions by Clams Casino and AraabMuzik, Wander / Wonder has has an obsession with the sound of the life force: Laced throughout are samples of lapping currents, slow drips, and light splashes. These accents reinforce both the bucolic feel and, with the complexity of the natural world that computers still envy, liberates the music from the computer grid. They also make Wander / Wonder an immersive experience, like something you lower yourself into, inch by inch. And in the end, that seems to be the overriding idea: This is functional music that highlights the simple pleasure of artfully arranged sound, the kind of gorgeous and evocative record that fills up the room and shifts your perception for 37 minutes and then brings you gently back to the surface.
Опубликовано: 15 нояб. 2013 г.Tim Hecker's «Harmony in Ultraviolet». Full album. I don't own this music; I just want to share this incredible album. Please consider buying it from the links below.
Дата загрузки: 23 нояб. 2011 г.0:00 — All You Are Going To Want To Do Is Get Back There 3:45 — Moments Of Sufficient Lucidity 7:33 — The Great Hidden Sea Of The Unconscious 10:35 — Libet's Delay 14:00 — I Feel As If Might Be Vanishing 15:57 — An Empty Bliss Beyond This World 20:16 — Bedded Deep In Long Term Memory 22:05 — A Relationship With The Sublime 25:40 — Mental Caverns Without Sunshine 28:54 — Pared Back To The Minimal 30:40 — Mental Caverns Without Sunshine 32:15 — An Empty Bliss Beyond This World 36:03 — Tiny Gradiations Of Loss 38:55 — Camaraderie At Arms Length 43:41 — The Sublime Is Disappointingly Elusive 45:25 — Fleeting Dreams 48:28 — The Story Is Lost
Опубликовано: 31 авг. 2014 г.An Imaginary Country (2009)
Track Listing:
1.) 100 Years Ago 0:00
2.) Sea of Pulses 03:28
3.) The Inner Shore 08:10
4.) Pond Life 12:28
5.) Borderlands 13:53
6.) A Stop at the Chord Cascades 18:40
7.) Utropics 23:24
8.) Paragon Point 24:30
9.) Her Black Horizon 29:34
10.) Currents of Electrostasy 31:02
11.) Where Shadows Make Shadows 34:45
12.) 200 Years Ago 43:23
Опубликовано: 21 окт. 2013 г.~| no copyright infringement intended! |~
via NPR -
Over the course of 15 years, Tim Hecker's experimental electronic compositions have intensified like oceans. While few contemplated their soothing, unfathomable waves, the observant noted rising temperatures, torment and microcosmic disturbances that truly told of awesome powers. But with Virgins, Hecker may have reached his point of no return, a piece of such force and clarity that even the indifferent should tape up the windows.
From the opening seconds of «Prism,» Hecker heralds a change. His layered drones, incidental percussion and piano motifs, long submerged in deep chasms of noise, echo and static, are now exposed and glinting. «Prism» hurtles inexorably upward, piercing and shattering through sound barriers before the rest of the album bursts into fragments, then dust, then mist, almost as if Hecker himself is exploding from the murky beneath. Not only do you hear distinct notes and instruments; you also sense the room in which they were played and the people who played them. What had always been vaguely melancholy, solitary and dreamlike is now harrowingly vivid, visceral and real, yet no less mesmerizing.
On the surface, Hecker reinvents himself, but he also re-frames what he's done before. Compare Virgins' «Black Refractions» to «Borderlands,» from 2009's An Imaginary Country. Technically, they couldn't sound any different. The former sets a stunningly simple, repetitive piano melody atop distant but definite brushes, while the latter is a reverberating sound bath. But the underlying component remains the same: a beautiful, indelible melody. The comparison invites listeners to search back through these songs, to listen for what now seems obvious.
For the first time in his career, Hecker recorded his compositions with live ensembles and mixed these sessions with composer Valgeir Sigurðsson, whose engineering and producing credits include fellow Icelanders Björk and Sigur Rós. For an artist who recently referred to his process as «a kind of continual transformation,» the effect of Hecker's new way of working feels startling and revelatory. An artist many critics and fans assumed would simply continue to refine his signature sound has instead shed its most defining characteristics. The transformation is complete; this is a new being.
It is an artist's boldest move, to reject his established style, especially when his audience is relatively small yet devoted. It's as if Richard Serra demolished one of Gehry's shimmering civic trophies and built a rural mega-spiral from its scraps. Sharp, blinding, somewhat confusing, wholly fascinating and most definitely meaningful — but would his biggest fans long for the age of rust? For Virgins' listeners, the proposition is simpler: Hit play and forget what you know.
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Опубликовано: 27 июн. 2012 г.1. «The Piano Drop» 0:00
2. «In the Fog I» 2:54
3. «In the Fog II» 7:46
4. «In the Fog III» 13:47
5. «No Drums» 18:48
6. «Hatred of Music I» 22:12
7. «Hatred of Music II» 28:23
8. «Analog Paralysis, 1978» 32:45
9. «Studio Suicide, 1980» 36:37
10. «In the Air I» 40:02
11. «In the Air II» 44:14
12. «In the Air III» 48:22
Опубликовано: 26 мая 2013 г.Hymn to the Immortal Wind by Mono
1. (00:01) Ashes in the Snow
2. (11:50) Burial at Sea
3. (22:25) Silent Flight, Sleeping Dawn
4. (28:25) Pure as Snow (Trails of the Winter Storm)
5. (39:50) Follow the Map
6. (43:48) The Battle to Heaven
7. (56:41) Everlasting Light
Song List: 00:00 Funeral For A Great Drunken Bird 04:26 When God Comes Back 08:02 The Marriage Of Coyote Woman 13:54 Swallowed By The Sea 22:19 Charles William 28:07 The Death Of Coyote Woman 36:22 Romany Dagger 39:10 Mountain