All the music from this channel has been asked permission for or have been sent in by the rightful owners. The Images used are from a free website that gathers 4chan user-submitted wallpapers automatically. If it just happens to be your image feel free to send us a message. Either to include a link or just to remove the whole picture. Feel free to contact us anytime you want, we'll be there to answer your questions. If you are by some means against our uploads, message us and we'll see what we can do.
All the music from this channel has been asked permission for or have been sent in by the rightful owners. The Images used are from a free website that gathers 4chan user-submitted wallpapers automatically. If it just happens to be your image feel free to send us a message. Either to include a link or just to remove the whole picture. Feel free to contact us anytime you want, we'll be there to answer your questions. If you are by some means against our uploads, message us and we'll see what we can do.
*** The Music posted is for promotional, introductory and exposure purposes ONLY. If a track that has been uploaded belongs to you, please notify us if you want it removed and we will remove it ASAP! ***
Опубликовано: 23 мар. 2015 г.eRRe — Dark Rituals EP
01 — eRRe & HardLogik — Up Underground
02 — C-Netik & eRRe — Syke
03 — eRRe & Infamous — Dark Below
04 — Fragz & eRRe & BSA — Boombox Terror
05 — eRRe & Hardlogik — Rock You Beat
All the music from this channel has been asked permission for or have been sent in by the rightful owners. The Images used are from a free website that gathers 4chan user-submitted wallpapers automatically. If it just happens to be your image feel free to send us a message. Either to include a link or just to remove the whole picture. Feel free to contact us anytime you want, we'll be there to answer your questions. If you are by some means against our uploads, message us and we'll see what we can do.