Дата загрузки: 19 мая 2009 г.Part V of my «Artists and Music You've Never Heard Of» series. From the album Requiem for Abandoned Souls, track 1. Released 2003.
Опубликовано: 10 авг. 2012 г.The 3rd track from «Strife»(2004) by Desiderii Marginis.
Label: Cold Meat Industry: «Strife is, as the name implies, a sort of reflection over the rather pitiful human desire to engage in all kinds of conflict. Everywhere and always.»
All rights reserved by Desiderii Marginis.
Опубликовано: 18 апр. 2013 г.The second official full album from dark-ambient artist Kammarheit, released in 2005. 0:00 Hypnagoga 4:07 Spatium 8:55 The Starwheel (Clockwise) 15:24 Klockstapeln 21:02 The Starwheel (Counter Clockwise) 25:49 A Room Between The Rooms 32:20 Sleep After Toyle, Port After Stormie Seas 39:16 All Quiet In The Land Of The Frozen Scenes
I own nothing, all rights and credit goes to the artist. Check them out at http://www.kammarheit.com/
As always, thanks for watching!