Minnesota Iceman, Shooting at Fort Dix

Minnesota Iceman, Shooting at Fort Dix

Опубликовано: 10 июл. 2014 г.On this weeks episode of Expanded Perspectives the guys talk about your fingerprints, do Bigfoot's build nests, does the lineage of Giants still exists, the green skinned children who appeared in an English Village, a tower that pulls drinking water out of thin air, the Minnesota Ice Man and an Alien that was shot at Fort Dix in 1978.

Paul Nation-The Indava Bird

Paul Nation-The Indava Bird

Опубликовано: 10 июл. 2014 г.On this episode the Cam and Kyle interview Paul Nation about the Indava Bird. Paul Nation is one of the few white men the indigenous people of Papua New Guinea have ever seen. When native children are brought to see him, they scream in terror until they get used to him and lose their fear. That fear is justified as traditionally in some areas of Papua New Guinea, adults coerce children into obeying by telling them a white man will eat them if they disobey. White skin is so unusual and out of place that one elder even asked him, «Why are you so ugly?» Paul lives near Ft. Worth, Texas, with his wife of 34 years and two grown sons. However, his exploring wanderlust has always kicked in and drawn him out into the world looking for adventure. His mother always accused him of leaving good jobs to take up an «exciting job way out in the middle of nowhere.» His early years included many outdoor activities which well suited him. He has always loved working with animals, including birds, dogs, cows, and horses. Because his In-laws are ranchers, this gave him many opportunities to work with and take care of many different kinds of animals.At the age of 16, Paul and five other young men canoed the Boundary Waters Canoe area in Canada for two weeks. During summer breaks while in college, he worked for a boys' camp in Hinkley, Minnesota, teaching horseback riding and leading horse trips of up to a week into the remote Minnesota woodlands. After marriage, Paul worked as a youth camp manager near Houston, Texas, where he organized canoeing, cycling, and camping trips as well as teaching rock climbing and rappelling.nation-paul-early-2007

In 1976, Paul received an Associate Degree in Science in Aviation Technology from LeTourneau College, in Longview, Texas. He has a private pilot's license and became proficient in flying acrobatically. He served as a helicopter mechanic when working on offshore oil platforms. When a friend in West Texas caught two ostriches while trapping exotic deer for a rancher, Paul bought the two birds, and operated his own ostrich farm. In 1994, his experience with ostriches resulted in his being invited to join the first expedition to Papua New Guinea in search of the mysterious flying creature that is reportedly seen there. The expedition leader recognized that his expertise in handling ostriches would be a great asset to the group in case a live specimen of the flying creature would be found and captured. This first trip into the jungle was a scientific expedition where Paul gained much experience in the many situations that arise on such an endeavor. After that first trip, he began organizing and leading subsequent expeditions to the jungles of Papua New Guinea. On these trips, Paul looks for empirical evidences, those that are gained by observation and experience in his search for the elusive flying creature. Once these evidences are fully documented by Paul, he will then encourage scientists with expertise in several fields to continue study of the creatures based on the foundation he has laid. Because the creature is reported by eyewitnesses to look like a huge pterosaur and exhibit bioluminescence, the discovery and documentation of the creature would generate worldwide scientific interest.

The Crash at Cape Girardeau

The Crash at Cape Girardeau

Опубликовано: 24 июл. 2016 г.On this episode of Expanded Perspectives the guys start off talking about how the Solar Impulse 2 is the record breaking aircraft that achieved the first ever trans-Atlantic flight powered solely by the sun. With a wingspan of a Boeing 747 jumbo jet, and weighing a mere 2,300kg, the plane itself is a technological marvel. While it’s certainly not the world’s first solar plane, it is the first to fly for 5 consecutive days and nights without any traditional fuels. Then, researchers at Case Western Reserve University have combined tissues from a sea slug with flexible 3-D printed components to build «biohybrid» robots that crawl like sea turtles on the beach. Then, researchers have posted a fascinating study where you can actually hear how our ancestors spoke 8,000 years ago. Scientists from the universities of Cambridge and Oxford have managed to reproduce some of the words that originated from a language which disappeared from the face of the Earth thousands of years ago. Then, an Oregon witness at Lebanon reported watching a fast-moving object crossing his property just four feet off of the ground that created a water-like distortion in the air. After the break Kyle gets into a lesser known alleged crash of a UFO in the great state of Missouri back in the spring of 1941. Thanks for listening to Expanded Perspectives! Please write us a review in iTunes, it really helps us out. Also, don't forget about Expanded Perspectives Elite. You can sign up by going to the website and clicking on the Elite tab. Everyone have a great week!

Show Notes:

•Lack Of Creature Comforts Made The First Trans-Atlantic Solar Flight A Challenge

•Researchers build a crawling robot from sea slug parts and a 3-D printed body

•Researchers recover a ‘lost’ Ancient language spoken 8,000 years ago

•Oregon UFO distorts air crossing property at four feet

•South Africa's great white sharks face extinction, says study

•UFO Crash and Retrieval in Missouri 1941


All music for Expanded Perspectives is provided by Pretty Lights. Purchase, Download and Donate at www.prettylightsmusic.com and Bassnectar. You can purchase his music on iTunes or his website http://www.bassnectar.net/

Songs Used:

•Pretty Lights vs. Led Zeppelin

•Lost and Found

•Somethings Wrong

•Understand Me Now

The Disappearance of Michael Rockefeller

The Disappearance of Michael Rockefeller

Опубликовано: 10 июл. 2016 г.On this episode of Expanded Perspectives the guys start the show by talking about two people in Oregon County, Mississippi say they came across an unknown animal that looked like a mix between a dog and a kangaroo. Then, an unusual story about a headless railway conductor seen patrolling a particular section of track looking for his missing head taken from the Chicago Tribune newspaper January 15, 1890. Then, Kit Parker a bio-engineer at Harvard a recently created a small robot stingray that uses real living rat cells. Parker’s robotic stingray is tiny—a bit more than half an inch long—and weighs only 10 grams. But it glides through liquid with the very same undulating motion used by fish like real stingrays and skates. The robot is powered by the contraction of 200,000 genetically engineered rat heart-muscle cells grown on the underside of the bot. Even stranger, Parker’s team developed the robot to follow bright pulses of light, allowing it to smoothly twist and turn through obstacle courses. Then, numerous governments around the world are slowly coping with the idea that the worldwide population has a right to know whether or not we are alone in the universe. In fact, the disclosure movement has never been as strong as it is today with countless Military officers, government officials, and astronauts speaking out about the existence of alien life and Alien spacecraft. Recently the FBI released some of these documents, and whats on them will shock you. After the break Cam brings up one of the strangest missing person stories in recent years. Born in 1938, Michael Clark Rockefeller was the son of New York governor and later Vice President Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller, and was a fourth generation member of the Rockefeller family, one of the richest, most powerful, and influential families in America at the time. Michael had long had a passionate interest in art, especially in primitive and tribal art, and in 1957 helped established the first ever museum solely dedicated to such art, the Museum of Primitive Art, in Manhattan. Rockefeller was also an adventurer at heart, and yearned to travel to faraway lands and meet exotic tribes. It was this profound interest in art and his desire to experience another world that would eventually bring Michael Rockefeller across the world to the remote and little understood, mysterious land of what was then Dutch New Guinea. While exploring in that area he disappeared during an expedition in the Asmat region of southwestern Netherlands New Guinea. In 2014, Carl Hoffman published a book that went into detail about the inquest into his killing, in which villagers and tribal elders admit to Rockefeller being killed after he swam to shore in 1961. Despite these claims, no remains or other proof of his death have ever been discovered. Thanks for listening to Expanded Perspectives. You can email the show at expandedpezrspectives@yahoo.com or call the show at 817-945-3828. Have a great week!

Show Notes:
◾Dogman? Two People Spot Kangaroo-Dog Hybrid in Missouri
◾Ghost of the Beheaded Conductor
◾This Swimming Stingray Robot Is Powered by Real, Living Rat Cells
◾FBI releases document with detail of Alien bodies, spacecraft and planet
◾FBI Vault Online Database
◾Michael Rockefeller
◾What Really Happened to Michael Rockefeller
◾Unraveling the disappearance of Michael Rockefeller
◾Netflix Documentary: Cannibals Ate Michael Rockefeller Alive


All music for Expanded Perspectives is provided by Pretty Lights. Purchase, Download and Donate at www.prettylightsmusic.com and Bassnectar. You can purchase his music on iTunes or his website http://www.bassnectar.net/

Songs Used:
◾Pretty Lights vs. Led Zeppelin
◾Vibe Vendetta
◾My Other Love
◾How We Do

The Patterson/Gimlin Film

The Patterson/Gimlin Film

Опубликовано: 17 июл. 2016 г.On this episode of Expanded Perspectives the guys start the show talking about how the FBI said Tuesday it is no longer investigating the enduring mystery of the skyjacker known as D.B. Cooper, nearly 45 years after he vanished out the back of a Boeing 727 into a freezing Northwest rain wearing a business suit, a parachute and a pack with $200,000 in cash. Calling the investigation one of the longest and most exhaustive in the agency's history, the FBI Seattle field office said in an email it was time to focus on other cases. The agency said it will preserve evidence from the case at its Washington, D.C., headquarters, but it doesn't want further tips unless people find parachutes or Cooper's money. Then, could the new and popular app called Pokemon Go really be a government surveillance psyop project? Then, the transition from hunter-gatherer to sedentary farming 10,000 years ago occurred in multiple neighbouring but genetically distinct populations according to research by an international team including UCL. Then, regenerative dental fillings that allow teeth to heal themselves have been developed by researchers, potentially eliminating the need for root canals. The treatment, developed by scientists from the University of Nottingham and Harvard University, earned a prize from the Royal Society of Chemistry after judges described it as a “new paradigm for dental treatments.” Then, a Tennessee witness at Memphis reported watching two V-shaped UFOs “hanging” in the sky over an interstate highway. After the breaks the guys get into one of the most popular videos ever recorded when it comes to Bigfoot. The iconic Patterson/Gimlin Film. The Patterson/Gimlin film is a famous short motion picture of an unidentified subject the filmmakers said was a Bigfoot. The footage was shot in 1967, and has since been subjected to many attempts to authenticate or debunk it. Several university based studies and professional evaluations have concluded the subject cannot possibly be a man in an ape suit. However, others have judged it to be a hoax staged with a man in an ape suit. Thanks for listening to Expanded Perspectives. Have a great week. Don't forget to write us a review on iTunes, Stitcher or where ever you listen.

Show Notes:

•FBI No Longer Investigating D.B. Cooper Skyjacking Case

•Pokémon Go Is a Government Surveillance Psyop Conspiracy

•Origin of farming not from a single population

•Dental Fillings Heal Teeth with Stem Cells

•V-shaped UFOs reported hovering over Memphis highway

•The Patterson/Gimlin Film


All music for Expanded Perspectives is provided by Pretty Lights. Purchase, Download and Donate at www.prettylightsmusic.com

Songs Used:

•Pretty Lights vs. Led Zeppelin

•Around The Block

•More Important Than Michael Jordan

•Aimin At Your Head