Дата загрузки: 13 окт. 2011 г.If anyone has any objections to the music or to the video, please, send me a message, and I shall remove them immediately!
As mentioned on the main page, this web site will be bilingual. As German is my native language and my English is not that hot, I will write news items about my releases in English, while the category Gedanken/Thoughts will very likely be in German.
But let's start with a few facts about me.
I was born born on the 1st of December, 1976. My home town is Hilden, near Düsseldorf and Cologne.
It all started at the age of 16, when I got my hands on a Technics MKII-1210 for the first time. From this moment, I spent almost all my money on buying vinyl records.
I was lucky and got some gigs, so I performed as DJ in various clubs for a few years.
But then, I fell in love with this girl and gave up my hobby for living together. That was the first hard lesson I have had to learn.
NEVER, NEVER, NEVER EVER give up your hobby for a girlfriend, even if you love her like hell.
The result was that she left me after 2 years and I bit my ass 'cause i sold all my vinyl records.
The years passed, and my activities in regards to music and DJing were very poor.
After a couple of years i started making music with Rebirth — the sound of a 303 is still something I love.
Then I tried Reason 2.5, but — to be honest — I never got to grips with the closed system of Reason.
As I am a huge fan of monolake and Plastikman, I tried Live 3.0 and was very happy with it. The only thing that was missing in Live was VSTI support.
This changed with Version 4.0 of Live. From this point on, all my music has been done with Live 4.0+.
My main focus at the moment is some sort of ambient and moody stuff.
My inspirations and top acts of electronic/ambient music are (in no special order):
Klaus Schulze
Pete Namlook
Steve Roach
Robert Rich
John Serrie
Anthony Rother
I want to thank Bob Moog for creating some of the richest and most unique sounding instruments on this planet. And I want to thank all the people around the world which are creating music by their own hands and share their nicest tracks with our huge community.
Kreislauf recommend and publish electronic music beyond commerce and drawers. The project was founded by Andreas Buttweiler and Thomas Hentrich in 1997 as an Ambient-Club in Mannheim/Germany.
In the year 2000 they started their weekly radio-show «Kreislauf.FM» at the free radio-stadion Bermudafunk in Mannheim and Heidelberg, and since 2004 also at Tide 96.0 in Hamburg.
The Label-Section was founded in 2001 by Dirk Hartmann (label-owner of Hörzu!) and Andreas Buttweiler, and become a netlabel in 2006.
In 2008 they start their digital label Kreislauf Kommerz.
Alaska's Susitna Glacier
Image Credit: NASA/GSFC/METI/ERSDAC/JAROS, and U.S./Japan ASTER Science
Like rivers of liquid water, glaciers flow downhill, with tributaries joining to form larger rivers. But where water rushes, ice crawls. As a result, glaciers gather dust and dirt, and bear long-lasting evidence of past movements.
Alaska's Susitna Glacier revealed some of its long, grinding journey when the Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) on NASA's Terra satellite passed overhead on Aug. 27, 2009. This satellite image combines infrared, red and green wavelengths to form a false-color image. Vegetation is red and the glacier's surface is marbled with dirt-free blue ice and dirt-coated brown ice. Infusions of relatively clean ice push in from tributaries in the north. The glacier surface appears especially complex near the center of the image, where a tributary has pushed the ice in the main glacier slightly southward.
Susitna flows over a seismically active area. In fact, a 7.9-magnitude quake struck the region in November 2002, along a previously unknown fault. Geologists surmised that earthquakes had created the steep cliffs and slopes in the glacier surface, but in fact most of the jumble is the result of surges in tributary glaciers.
Glacier surges--typically short-lived events where a glacier moves many times its normal rate--can occur when melt water accumulates at the base and lubricates the flow. This water may be supplied by meltwater lakes that accumulate on top of the glacier; some are visible in the lower left corner of this image. The underlying bedrock can also contribute to glacier surges, with soft, easily deformed rock leading to more frequent surges.
RND#04:'Economic Growth' by Cathode (vid by Richard Fenwick)
Дата загрузки: 8 нояб. 2006 г.One of the experimental short film soundtracks Made with filmmaker Richard Fenwick Commissioned for AV festival, November 2003 Tyneside Cinema, Newcastle upon Tyne.
RND# (NE) was a new commission for the AV Festival by filmmaker and designer Richard Fenwick — four shorts made in and around Newcastle for his RND# series of experimental films.
RND# is an ongoing series of films that deal with the theme of technology versus humanity. Each film (in a proposed set of 100) is a direct response to the ways in which local culture and society deal with technology. Cathode composed and produced soundtracks for two of these films.
Дата загрузки: 17 июн. 2009 г.Kodomo — Concept 11 Music Video — Aaron Munson
An experimental passage along the lines of energy, composed of hand processed 16mm and Super8 film melded with HD video. Created by experimental filmmaker Aaron munson from Edmonton, Canada.
More info: http://www.myspace.com/aaronmunson or http://kodomomusic.com/videos/detail/...
Дата загрузки: 8 сент. 2011 г.from: «Seven» (2011)
Tapage is Tijs Ham
Tijs' roots lay in post-rock and IDM, but he has started making more breakcore and hardcore. His first appearances were on Ophidian's Blackbox (on which he did some sound design om the track Mantaray) and on the Butterfly V.I.P. / Hammerhead V.I.P. (on which he worked on the interludes).