Gaussian Curve - Clouds (Full Album)

Gaussian Curve — Clouds (Full Album)

Опубликовано: 15 янв. 2015 г.For promotional purposes only. Will be removed upon request of the copyright holder.

00:00 Talk To The Church
02:26 Impossible Island
09:55 Dewdrops
11:39 Ride
16:51 Broken Clouds
22:14 Unsolved
25:03 The Longest Road
32:22 Red Light

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Sun Ra - Supersonic Jazz [Full Album][HD]

Sun Ra — Supersonic Jazz [Full Album][HD]

Опубликовано: 26 июл. 2014 г.WELCOME TO MY JAZZ WORLD PEOPLE!!

02.Sunology (Part I)
03.Advice to Medics
04.Super Blonde
05.Soft Talk
06.Sunology (Part II)
07.Kingdom of Not
08.Portrait of the Living Sky
09.Blues at Midnight
10.El is a Sound of Joy
11.Springtime in Chicago
12.Medicine for a Nightmare

.On «Springtime in Chicago», recorded at Balkan Studios, Chicago, April 13, 1956:

Sun Ra – Piano, Electric Piano
Art Hoyle – Trumpet, Percussion
Julian Priester – Trombone
James Scales – Alto Sax, Percussion
John Gilmore – Percussion
Pat Patrick – Baritone Sax, Percussion
Wilburn Green – Electric Bass
Robert Barry – Drums

.On «Super Blonde», «Soft Talk», «Medicine for a Nightmare», and «Advice to Medics», recorded at RCA studios, possibly June 16, 1956:

Sun Ra – Piano, Electric Piano, 'Space Gong'
Art Hoyle – Trumpet
Julian Priester – Trombone
John Gilmore – Tenor Sax
Pat Patrick – Baritone Sax
Wilburn Green – Electric Bass
Robert Barry – Drums
Jim Herndon – Tympani, Percussion

.On «Kingdom of Not», «Portrait of The Living Sky», «Blues at Midnight», «El Is A Sound of Joy», «India», and «Sunology» (both parts), probably recorded at Balkan Studios, Chicago, September or October 1956:

Sun Ra – Piano, Electric Piano, 'Space Gong'
Art Hoyle – Trumpet, Percussion
Pat Patrick – Alto Sax, Percussion
John Gilmore – Tenor Sax, Percussion
Charles Davis – Baritone Sax, Percussion
Victor Sproles – Bass
William Cochran – Drums
Jim Herndon – Tympani, Percussion

Jan Jelinek - Loop Finding Jazz Records (Full Album)

Jan Jelinek — Loop Finding Jazz Records (Full Album)

Опубликовано: 28 нояб. 2014 г.For promotional purposes only. Will be removed upon request of the copyright holder.

00:00 Moiré (Piano & Organ)
06:53 Rock In The Video Age
14:57 They, Them
22:18 Them, Their
27:24 Tendency
34:44 Moiré (Strings)
41:10 Do Dekor
46:45 Drift

Masayoshi Fujita & Jan Jelinek - Bird, lake, objects FULL ALBUM

Masayoshi Fujita & Jan Jelinek — Bird, lake, objects FULL ALBUM

Опубликовано: 25 авг. 2015 г.Subscribe:
Label: Faitiche
Genre: Electronic
Style: Drone, Experimental, Ambient
Year: 2010

00:00 Undercurrent
08:50 Workshop for modernity
13:57 Change your life
22:03 Waltz (a lonely crowd)
29:07 Stripped to RM
35:07 IA_AI
39:16 Bird, lake, objects linernotes

The Newport Tower

The Newport Tower

Опубликовано: 16 янв. 2016 г.On this weeks episode of Expanded Perspectives the guys talk about how we should not dismiss the dangers of killer robots so quickly and a real life Red Sonja has been discovered in Kazakhstan. Then after the break Cam and Kyle talk about the Newport Tower. Who could of built it and does it have Masonic ties? Also called the Old Stone Tower, Touro Tower, Old Stone Mill or, simply, The Tower, standing near the west end of Touro Park in Newport, Rhode Island, the round stone structure and its park owe their existence to the generosity of Judah Touro, who in 1854 gave the City of Newport $10,000 to buy the land so that it would not be developed into home sites. Founded in 1639, the town of Newport had grown up the hill from Narragansett Bay and Newport Harbor to engulf the meadows that lay above the shore.

Show Notes: Don’t Dismiss the Dangers of Killer Robots so Quickly Who Built the Newport Tower The Newport Tower Real Life Red Sonja Found


All music for Expanded Perspectives is provided with permission by Pretty Lights. Purchase, Download and Donate at

Songs Used: Where Am I Trying to Go The Time Has Come Let The World Hurry By Pretty Lights vs. Led Zeppelin

Secret History with Nick Redfern

Secret History with Nick Redfern

Опубликовано: 12 июн. 2015 г.On this episode of Expanded Perspectives the guys talk about how a CB alerts a Texas trucker to multiple hovering UFOs and how two hikers spot ‘Bigfoot’ in a Ohio field. Then after the break they have Nick Redfern in studio to discuss his new book “Secret History – Conspiracies from Ancient Aliens to the New World Order”. The talk about many things including what Nick thinks about the legendary Patterson/Gimlin Film the possible escape of Adolf Hitler and the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. Nick Redfern has been interested in UFOs since 1978. His main area of research centers around determining what has been learned about the UFO subject at an official level in Britain. He has spent hundreds of hours at the Public Record Office in London, and has uncovered thousands of pages of previously-classified Royal Air Force, Air Ministry and Ministry of Defense files on UFOs dating from the Second World War. Nick is the author of several best-selling books on UFOs including: The FBI Files: The FBI’s UFO Top Secrets Exposed; and Cosmic Crashes: The Incredible Story Of The UFOs That Fell To Earth. Nick also lectures on the UFO subject both in the U.K. and abroad. For the second portion of the Nick Redfern interview you need to be an Elite member. Thanks for listening and have a great week.

Show Notes:
•CB alerts Texas trucker to multiple Hovering UFOs
•Two Hikers spot ‘Bigfoot’ in an Ohio Field
•Nick Redfern’s World of Whatever

Nick Redfern Books:
•Body Snatchers in the Desert: The Horrible Truth at the Heart of the Roswell Story
•Covert Agenda: The British Government’s UFO Top Secrets Exposed
•MAN-MONKEY – In Search of the British Bigfoot
•Memoirs of a Monster Hunter
•On the Trail of the Saucer Spies: UFOs and Government Surveillance
•Strange Secrets: Real Government Files on the Unknown
•There’s Something in the Woods
•Three Men Seeking Monsters
•Science Fiction Secrets: From Government Files and the Paranormal
•Contactees: A History of Alien-human Interaction
•Monsters of Texas
•Final Events
•The NASA Conspiracies
•The Real Men in Black
•Keep Out!: Top Secret Places Governments Don’t Want You to Know About
•The Pyramids and the Pentagon
•The World’s Weirdest Places
•Alien Viruses: Crashed UFOs, MJ-12, & Biowarfare
•Close Encounters of the Fatal Kind
•Secret History: Conspiracies from Ancient Aliens to the New World Order


All music for Expanded Perspectives is provided by Pretty Lights and today The Luxembourg Signal. Purchase, Download and Donate at and

•Starlit Skies
•If I could feel again
•Dying Star- The Luxembourg Signal

Close Encounters of the Unusual Kind

Close Encounters of the Unusual Kind

Опубликовано: 21 янв. 2016 г.On this episode of Expanded Perspectives the guys talk about how Art Bell is going to retire once again. For the last several weeks 70-year-old radio legend Art Bell has been shot at, twice, by some crazy person who’s bound and determined to force Bell to stop doing his show. The last incident was just a few days ago; Bell was on his way to his studio when shots rang out. Bell was forced to lie in the dirt on his belly until the police showed up. It’s sad to see a radio legend like Art having to give up on his dreams. It was a pleasure for both Kyle and Cam to be re-broadcast on the same network as Art. He will be missed. Next, Kyle brings up an interesting UFO sighting in Longmont, Colorado where a 2-year-old boy pointed to a UFO hovering under 500 feet saying, “Look, Daddy.” The reporting witness was out walking with his son about 8:30 p.m. on March 21, 2015, when the object was first seen. Then Cam talks about a team of eight engineering students from the National University of Singapore have built a personal flying machine, dubbed “Snowstorm”. It could only be demonstrated by flying it indoors, due to Singapore’s legal requirements for personal aerial vehicles. Resembling a giant drone, “Snowstorm” comprises of motors, propellers and landing gears set within a hexagonal frame and can be controlled by the person sitting in it, or remotely. Then Kyle brings up his new love of the Tesla Model S. Unlike a gasoline internal combustion engine with hundreds of moving parts, Tesla electric motors have only one moving piece: the rotor. As a result, Model S acceleration is instantaneous, silent and smooth. Step on the accelerator and in as little as 2.8 seconds Model S is travelling 60 miles per hour, without hesitation, and without a drop of gasoline. Model S is an evolution in automobile engineering. After the break Cam introduces some very strange close encounters with extraterrestrials far different than our normal ideas of what an Alien should look like. Finally, in the last portion of the show Kyle talks about how a filmmaker has released transcripts from his upcoming documentary about Stanley Kubrick recorded just a few days before Kubrick’s death which imply that Stanley admitted filming a fake moon landing and forced his fellow filmmaker to keep the admission hidden from the public for 15 years. The 15 years are up … is the truth about the moon landing up too? Thanks for listening to Expanded Perspectives. Please write and rate the show on iTunes and tell your friends. You can call the show at 817-945-3828 or email the show Have a great week!

Show Notes: A 2 Year Old Boy Pointed out a UFO to his Father Singapore Students Build a Personal Flying Machine Tesla Model S A New Video May Show Stanley Kubrick Admitting Moon Landing Hoax


All music for Expanded Perspectives is provided with permission from Pretty Lights. Purchase, Download and Donate at

Songs Used: Pretty Lights vs. Led Zeppelin Starlit Skies Hot Like Dimes Sweet Long Life

What is Deja vu

What is Deja vu

Опубликовано: 17 февр. 2014 г.Once and for all, WHAT IS DEJA VU? Marie D. Jones and Larry Flaxman explore the Deja Vu enigma with Anne in a wide-ranging interview that includes Larry's riveting description of a group missing time experience in which he was himself a participant.

They describe their investigations of a whole range of commonplace but mysterious experiences: Memory lapses Missing time and fugue states The brain as both receiver and transmitter of reality Altered states of perception and consciousness, from hallucinations to religious visions Contagious thought, curses, demonic possession and mass hysteria Dream states, lucid dreaming and precognitive dreams The Grid and Parallel Universes as travel routes for mind trips, brain flips and time slips

Don't miss this interview!

Mysterious Upright Canine Creatures

Mysterious Upright Canine Creatures

Опубликовано: 22 апр. 2016 г.On this episode of Expanded Perspectives the guys talk about how according to police, a large disc-shaped UFO was stolen from the International UFO Museum and Research Center in Roswell, New Mexico Saturday morning. After missing for several days, it was then found broken into pieces in a ditch on the side of a highway 2 miles outside of town. Although the theft was caught on a surveillance camera, the perpetrators of the crime are still at large. Then, Aaron Rodgers who is the quarterback of the Green Bay Packers had a Close Encounter of the First Kind. Then, a digital design student in New Jersey went viral over the weekend after 3D-printing his very own set of clear, orthodontic aligners – just like the ones that sell for thousands of dollars – all for less than US$60. Then, an Australian Radio hosts spots an unusual canid hybrid. After the break the guys discuss the history of Dogman/Upright walking canines. How long have they been amongst us and has their overall appearance changed over time. Thanks for listening to Expanded Perspectives. Have a great week!

Show Notes: Roswell Museum UFO Destroyed by Vandals Aaron Rodger’s wild UFO story might make you believe in UFOs A College Student has 3D Printed His Own Braces for Less Than $60 Australian Radio Host Spots Unusual Canid Hybrid ORACUL Organization for the Research of Ancient Cultures The Morbach Werewolf American Rivals T-Shirts


All music for Expanded Perspectives is provided with permission by Pretty Lights! Purchase, Download and Donate at

Songs Used: Pretty Lights vs. Led Zeppelin How We Do Looking for Love But Not So Sure Starlit Skies