Дата загрузки: 3 апр. 2010 г.Been a long time, isn't it? I'll be uploading a handful of videos in days to come, and we'll be starting off with nearly ten minutes of chaos in one song. This may or may not have been dropped on Haiti a couple months ago.
Дата загрузки: 7 июл. 2010 г.I was asked to upload the full version of this track. Which im completely fine with because its so godamn awesome. I had already uploaded a short 1:17 clip, it was the beginning of the track, which is the only drumstep in this tune. The whole track is a killa in my opinion. anyways go nuts on this!
Опубликовано: 4 янв. 2014 г.A selection of some of the finest hard dancefloor-orientated drum and bass, Brooklyn based producer and label owner Breaker, pulls out the big bangers of today with some great memories from yesteryear.
No copyright infringement intended. If the original artist is viewing this and would like me to remove the video, please message me and I will do so straight away :)